Organizational Behavior Concepts and Research-I
Örgütsel Davranış Kavramlar ve Araştırmalar-I
Contributor(s): Bengü Hirlak (Editor)
Subject(s): Business Economy / Management, Individual Psychology, Social psychology and group interaction, Psychology of Self, Organizational Psychology, Behaviorism, Management and complex organizations, Demography and human biology, Human Resources in Economy, Business Ethics
Published by: Özgür Yayın Dağıtım Ltd. Şti.
Keywords: Organizational behavior; Management and organization; management and strategy;
Summary/Abstract: Today, the importance of organizations is increasing day by day. The multiple functions and effects of national and international organizations necessitate new studies/research in the field of organizational culture and organizational behavior. Our primary goal has been to introduce the target audience we aim to address in our book to these new concepts and to prepare the ground for new research to be done. Our book, which aims to provide information to researchers, academicians, decision makers, practitioners, students who are interested in concepts and research in the field of organizational behavior, and to contribute to the national literature, consists of 21 chapters contributed by 28 authors. As can be understood from the subject distribution of the first book of our series, these studies will fill a very important gap in the field of organizational behavior and claim to be a source of new studies. We have completed our book work in a very difficult, troubled and stressful process due to the earthquakes affecting eleven provinces centered in Kahramanmaraş, which is called the disaster of the century in our country. It is admirable that our chapter authors, who were directly affected by these earthquakes, contributed to our book under difficult conditions. For this reason, first of all, I would like to express my thanks and gratitude to all our valuable and expert chapter authors who contributed and supported each other with intense labor, devotion, patience and patience in order to produce this work. In addition, I would like to express my endless thanks and respect to my esteemed teacher Prof. Dr. Mustafa TAŞLIYAN, who honored us by showing us the courtesy of writing a presentation to the book, who has always enlightened my path with his knowledge and experience and who has always been a role model for me, to Özgür Publishing House and its employees who worked meticulously in the preparation of the book for publication, to my family, my esteemed teachers, my friends and you, my esteemed readers, who have supported me in the process of writing the book and have helped me come to this day.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-975-447-609-5
- Page Count: 482
- Publication Year: 2023
- Language: Turkish
Pozitif Psikolojik Sermaye
Pozitif Psikolojik Sermaye
(Positive Psychological Capital)
- Author(s):M. Selman Kobanoğlu
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Organizational Psychology, Behaviorism, Management and complex organizations, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:1-18
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Organizations; behaviorism; Positive Psychological Capital ;
- Summary/Abstract:Organizations are social structures primarily reliant on human resources, so it is not possible for these structures to act independently of human psychology. Because psychology stands out as a discipline of research that seeks to comprehend human behavior, mental ability and structure, social interactions between people, and the outcomes of all of these. For a long time, psychology was primarily focused on the negative and dysfunctional aspects of human experience, such as mental illnesses. However, during Seligman's presidency of the American Psychological Association (1998), positive aspects of psychology, such as fostering human genius and maximizing its potential, started to receive more attention. The new approaches introduced by the positive psychology approach contributed to the emergence of the concept of positive psychological capital in the organizational field. The concept of positive psychological capital, which can result in positive individual and organizational results that benefit the organization, appears in the literature as a phenomenon that attracts attention in order to maximize the potential of human resources, which is acknowledged as the most challenging organizational competitive advantage to imitate in today's global competitive conditions.
Sosyal Sermaye
Sosyal Sermaye
(Social Capital)
- Author(s):Bilge GÜLER
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Organizational Psychology, Management and complex organizations, Human Resources in Economy, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:19-43
- No. of Pages:25
- Keywords:social capital; business organization; individuals in organization;
- Summary/Abstract:It is thought that it is important to consider social capital in terms of business organizations that play an important role in the economic system. In this study, social capital, which is a multidisciplinary concept, is discussed in terms of business organizations, and conceptual information is presented. The core thesis of social capital is that "relationships are important" and social networks are a valuable asset". Since it is very difficult to imitate and transfer the social capital that is formed through the relations between individuals, groups, and organizations, it can be said that it will give organizations a competitive advantage. In addition to the skills needed in business life, social networks and relationships are also important. As a result of the literature research, it is seen that social capital increases job satisfaction, organizational commitment, motivation, and job engagement. However, social capital has been determined to have benefits for individuals, societies, and countries, such as reducing the business concerns of young people, providing advantages for women entrepreneurs, preventing the spread of the virus during the COVID-19 period, increasing life satisfaction and quality of life, having a positive impact on the health status of individuals, and having positive effects on the economic development of countries. The benefits of social capital in terms of individuals, organizations, and countries reveal the importance of this concept. Increasing the studies on this subject can contribute to the literature and practitioners' knowledge, especially since the benefits it provides organizations give them a competitive advantage.
Örgütsel Destek
Örgütsel Destek
(Organisational Support)
- Author(s):Belkıs Dilek Özbezek, Veysel Mehmet Gültekin
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Personality Psychology, Organizational Psychology, Behaviorism, Management and complex organizations, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:45-70
- No. of Pages:26
- Keywords:Organisational Support; business world; quality of the relationship between employees and the organization;
- Summary/Abstract:Organizations strive to overcome the challenges that arise at every step in order to compete successfully in today's globalizing business world. The ability of organizations to overcome these uncalculated challenges depends on their ability to use all their resources effectively and efficiently. Human resource is a valuable resource that enables the organization to achieve its goals by maximizing efficiency and productivity. In this context, the quality of the relationship between employees and the organization emerges as a very important issue for both parties. In this section, first of all, the concept of organizational support, which explains the relations between employees and the organization, and the characteristics of organizational support are discussed. Then, the Reciprocity Norm, Social Exchange Theory, Organizational Support Theory, Leader-Member Exchange Theory, and ERG Theory, which constitute the theoretical foundations of organizational support, are explained. Finally, the factors affecting organizational support (personality characteristics, demographic characteristics, organizational justice, supervisor support, human resources practices and job conditions) and the results of organizational support (organizational commitment, work engagement, organizational trust, organizational citizenship behavior, job performance, withdrawal behavior, job satisfaction and positive emotions, job stress) are discussed.
Örgütsel Özdeşleşme, İşe Bağlılık ve İş Performansı Arasındaki İlişkiler: Savunma Sanayii Sektöründe Bir Araştırma
Örgütsel Özdeşleşme, İşe Bağlılık ve İş Performansı Arasındaki İlişkiler: Savunma Sanayii Sektöründe Bir Araştırma
(The Relationships among Organizational Identification, Job Involvement, and Job Performance: A Research in the Defence Industry)
- Author(s):Cenk TUFAN
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Security and defense, Organizational Psychology, Social Theory, Management and complex organizations, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:71-92
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:Organizational Identification; Job Involvement; Job Performance;
- Summary/Abstract:This study, which was prepared based on Social Identity Theory and Self Classification Theory, examines the relationships between organizational identification, job involvement, and job performance variables in a sector such as the defense industry, which hosts a qualified workforce and highly educated employees. It also examines the mediating role of job involvement in the relationship between organizational identification and job performance. In this study, it is assumed that employees who identify with their organizations will cause an increase in individual job performance through positive behaviors and attitudes such as job involvement. For this reason, a survey was conducted on the employees of small-scale private enterprises operating in the defense industry in Ankara. According to the findings, organizational identification affects job performance positively and significantly. In addition, organizational identification positively and significantly affects job involvement; It has been found that job involvement has a positive and significant effect on job performance. The study also concluded that job involvement has a mediating role in the relationship between the organizational identification of the employees in the defense industry and their job performance. From these findings obtained from the research, it is concluded that organizational identification and job involvement are the antecedents of individual job performance.
İş Yaşamı ve NLP: Zihin Dili Programlama
İş Yaşamı ve NLP: Zihin Dili Programlama
(Business Life and NLP: Language of Mind Programming)
- Author(s):Gamze Ebru Çiftçi, Tuğçe Nur Temiz
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Organizational Psychology, Methodology and research technology, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:93-130
- No. of Pages:38
- Keywords:Mind Language Programming; effective and productive mindset;
- Summary/Abstract:Scientists have developed various thought models and presented them to the service of humanity in order to create an effective and productive mindset and to guide people who desire to realize themselves under the guidance of studies carried out so far. As a matter of fact, it has become evident how important it is to train and develop the mind with the methods put forward, together with the satisfaction and success that people show in life. One of the most effective of these methods, Mind Language Programming (NLP), which was proposed in the 1970s, has taken its place in the scientific community as a method that has proven its worth by revealing its successful results in humans both with scientific data and with one-to-one observations of people. Programming Mind Language Programming (NLP) especially for the individual's goals, asks the individual "What do I really want?", "Where am I at the point where I want to come now?" or “Am I the original source of these requests?” It is thought that it allows the individual to take a deep journey to his essence by getting rid of the 'idealized self' with strong questions he directs. As a result, it is seen that the individual allows the emergence of goals suitable for his own competencies and abilities and the individual's self-realization. In this context, NLP mind language programming method is thought to be a useful method for people. Especially for the business world where competition is intense and the struggle for existence is getting heavier, NLP techniques are promised to contribute more to businesses and to offer employers a comforting guidance.
Örgütsel Bağlamda Duygusal Zekâ
Örgütsel Bağlamda Duygusal Zekâ
(Emotional Intelligence in Organizational Context)
- Author(s):Afet Ayçe BAŞALP
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Personality Psychology, Psychology of Self, Behaviorism, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:131-149
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Emotional Intelligence; self-awareness; self-regulation;
- Summary/Abstract:Emotional intelligence is an important determinant of job performance, and research shows that emotional intelligence can be developed through education. For example, one study compared the performance of financial advisors working for managers who received emotional competence training with those working for managers who did not. Working alongside a trained manager, the consultants were able to grow their business. Programs aiming to develop emotional intelligence at a higher rate than counselors working under an untrained manager should target the dimensions of emotional intelligence such as self-awareness, self-regulation, awareness of others, and regulation of others. For example, the most important educational priority for a group of individuals may be to develop self-awareness; may be developing self-regulation for another. Evaluating the priority level of each competence for a particular training group is an important preliminary program step. This can be accomplished by brainstorming with potential participants or having them fill out a valid and reliable emotional intelligence tool before the trainer. The contrast between the potential for emotional intelligence suggested by the theory, on the one hand, and the results reported in the meta-analyses are striking in terms of emotional intelligence capability. While there is an obvious contradiction to make sense of this, the ability model and performance measures based on it encompass a relatively narrow set of emotional skills. The tendency to measure emotional intelligence is a challenge. In this study, the concept of emotional intelligence is examined theoretically in the organizational context. In the literature, studies from the past to the present have been examined and a theoretical contribution is made.
Farklılıkların Yönetimi
Farklılıkların Yönetimi
(Diversity Management)
- Author(s):Necmettin Gül
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Organizational Psychology, Management and complex organizations, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:151-168
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:diversity in working life; management approach; organization;
- Summary/Abstract:The management of differences is very important in terms of being able to express themselves and exist in the labor market for individuals who are defined as diversity in working life, such as being disabled in working life, being a woman in working life, being exposed to racism and discrimination due to various reasons, not being accepted or excluded in working life due to their sexual orientation. And it is a concept that needs to be emphasized. Because working is one of the fundamental rights of every individual, both legally and ethically. In this direction, the right to work has been guaranteed by the constitution and various laws have been enacted in order to protect diversity. Organizations are structures that come together to achieve a specific purpose. Within these structures, there are individuals with completely different characteristics, cultures, values and beliefs. The management of diversity, which has entered the management literature and is an accepted management approach, is important for the success and performance of organizations in order not to be exposed to various groupings, conflicts, discriminatory behaviors and judgmental attitudes. The management of differences is becoming more and more necessary in the changing world plane and increases the interest in it. In this context, the aim of this study is to address and explain the concept of diversity management in a way that includes many disadvantaged groups and individuals.
Tutku Kavramı ve İkili Tutku Modeli
Tutku Kavramı ve İkili Tutku Modeli
(The Concept of Passion and the Dualistic Model of Passion)
- Author(s):Yasemin Gülbahar
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Organizational Psychology, Behaviorism, Management and complex organizations, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:169-187
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:passion; organizational behavior; Dual Passion Model;
- Summary/Abstract:Passion is a concept that has been neglected in the field of organizational behavior for many years, but in recent years, it has attracted attention with its effects on the individual and processes within the organization. Emotion is the desire, motivation and feelings that an individual experiences towards an activity that he or she loves, spares a certain amount of time and defines himself through this means. While this feeling has great effects on the success of the individual in the organizational environment, it sometimes makes the individual completely dependent on himself by breaking it off from his normal life. At this point, the Dual Passion Model comes into play.
Akademisyenlerin Psikolojik Sağlamlık ve Yaşam Doyumu Düzeylerinin Sosyo Demografik Özelliklere Göre İncelenmesi
Akademisyenlerin Psikolojik Sağlamlık ve Yaşam Doyumu Düzeylerinin Sosyo Demografik Özelliklere Göre İncelenmesi
(Examination of Academic’s Psychological Resilience and Life Satisfaction Levels According to Socio Demographic Characteristics)
- Author(s):Hatice Yurttaş, Bengü Hirlak
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Higher Education , Psychology of Self, Demography and human biology
- Page Range:189-214
- No. of Pages:26
- Keywords:Life Satisfaction; Academic’s Psychological Resilience;
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this research is to determine whether there is a relationship between psychological resilience and life satisfaction levels of academicians. In addition, with this research, it was aimed to determine whether there is a significant difference in the opinions of academicians working at Kilis 7 Aralık University regarding the levels of psychological resilience and life satisfaction, taking into account various socio demographic characteristics (gender, marital status, age, etc.). In line with these objectives, the existing literature on the psychological resilience and life satisfaction levels of employees was examined and a face-to-face or online survey was conducted with 198 academicians working at Kilis 7 Aralık University. The data obtained as a result of the survey were analyzed with SPSS program. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that the effect of psychological resilience on life satisfaction was positive and statistically significant; the opinions of academics on the levels of psychological resilience and life satisfaction did not show a significant difference in terms of gender, marital status, educational status, title, working time in the institution and sector; and the opinions of academics on the levels of life satisfaction showed a significant difference according to age and the unit of employment.
- Author(s):Hüseyin Çiçeklioğlu
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Personality Psychology, Psychology of Self, Health and medicine and law, Human Resources in Economy, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:215-236
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:information and communication technologies; stress;
- Summary/Abstract:Adapting to information and communication technologies not only provides organizations with maximum efficiency, effectiveness and productivity, but also causes stress by creating pressure on individuals due to reasons such as excessive technology dependency, increased workload, high production demand and the need to constantly adapt to new technology applications and workflows (Srivastava). et al., 2015). This type of stress emerges as a toxic phenomenon and is defined as “technostress” (Boyer-Davis, 2018). Today, it is out of question to stay away from or refuse to use information and communication technologies. It is an inevitable fact that information and communication technologies, which are frequently used in society, sometimes create stress. Therefore, such a situation reduces the quality of life of individuals, causes various health problems and creates negative individual and organizational results. The effects of technostress at the psychological and physical level have been revealed by various studies. When the relevant literature is examined, it has been determined that technostress has negative effects on the productivity, job satisfaction, performance and belonging of the employees (Alam, 2016; Fuglseth & Sørebø, 2014), at the same time they experience burnout due to technostress and they have intention to quit (Ragu-Nathan et al. ., 2008). In addition, it is stated that physiological health problems such as excessive nervousness, headache, sleep problems, cardiovascular disorders are also associated with technostress in the workplace (Chen, 2015). In this chapter; The concept of stress and technology connection, the concept of technostress, the effects and symptoms of technostress and the factors affecting technostress, technostress models, technostress dimensions, technostress management, technostress reducing situations and the results of technostress will be discussed.
Sosyal Kaytarma
Sosyal Kaytarma
(Social Loafing)
- Author(s):Esra Emül, Arzu Karaca
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Organizational Psychology, Behaviorism, Management and complex organizations
- Page Range:237-260
- No. of Pages:24
- Keywords:social loafing; organizational behavior;
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this study is to examine the concept of social loafing, which is among the current organizational behavior issues. In this direction, first of all, how the concept of social loafing emerged and the definitions of social loafing made by different scientists are included. With the increasing interest in the concept of social loafing, how social loafing behavior emerges has gained importance. For this reason, theories explaining social loafing behavior put forward by researchers and theories that contradict social loafing behavior are briefly explained. In the following parts of the study, the factors affecting social loafing behavior were examined in order to determine which situations trigger social loafing. In the last part of the study; Various suggestions have been made to managers in order to prevent or minimize social loafing in organizations. There are very few studies in the domestic literature on the concept of social loafing. When the studies in the literature are examined, it is seen that social loafing is limited only to the field of social psychology. For this reason, it is necessary to associate social loafing with different fields and to create awareness about the concept.
Örgütlerde Pigmalyon Etkisi
Örgütlerde Pigmalyon Etkisi
(Pygmalion Effect in Organizations)
- Author(s):Buket SEZER
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Organizational Psychology, Behaviorism, Management and complex organizations
- Page Range:261-279
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Pygmalion Effect; Organizations; behavior;
- Summary/Abstract:People tend to reach the level of expectations of other people about themselves and try to achieve the expected performance. This phenomenon, which is described as a pygmalion effect, states that a person's expectation of another person has a strong effect on the behavior of that person. It is seen that the concept is first put forward as a self-fulfilling prophecy. The first research on the fact that a person's expectations had an impact on the behavior of his interlocutor began with Rosenthal and Jacobson (1968). For this reason, the Pygmalion effect has also been named as Rosenthal effect. The concept of the field as a pygmalion effect is mostly used as the positive expectations of the people to create positive changes in others. However, sometimes there are cases where the negative expectations of people over others have negative effects on other people. Therefore, this situation, which leads to the emergence of negative attitudes and behaviors, is called the “Golem Effect”. Studies on the effect of Pygmalion are mostly included in the field of educational psychology. In this section, the studies carried out in the organizations were evaluated based on the idea that employee behaviors change in the axis of executive expectations and adapt to this expectation.
Çalışma Hayatında Sahtekârlık Fenomeni
Çalışma Hayatında Sahtekârlık Fenomeni
(The Phenomenon of Imposter at Work)
- Author(s):Gaye Onan
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Organizational Psychology, Behaviorism, Management and complex organizations, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:281-300
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:organizational psychology; positive psychology; imposter at work;
- Summary/Abstract:Pozitif psikolojinin etkisi altında örgütsel psikoloji alanında gerçekleştirilen çalışmalar çoğunlukla çalışanların “iyi ve olumlu” tarafları üzerine odaklanmıştır. Bununla birlikte iş yerinde çalışan davranışlarının “karanlık” tarafına ve bunun sonuçlarına da artan bir ilgi söz konusudur (Vergauwe vd., 2015, s. 566). Bu karanlık taraflardan biri olan sahtekârlık sendromu ya da sahtekârlık fenomeni kavramı çalışma hayatında son yıllarda telaffuz edilmeye başlanan bir kavramdır. Çalışma hayatı ve iş ile ilgili olumsuz sonuçları nedeni ile giderek daha fazla üzerinde durulmaya başlanan bir olgu haline gelmektedir. Sahtekârlık olgusu başarılarından gurur duymak yerine yoğun entelektüel sahtekârlık duyguları yaşayan bireylerle ilgili olduğu için çalışma hayatında özellikle ilgi çekicidir. Olumsuz etkileri sebebi ile çalışanların yaşadığı sahtekârlık fenomeni kavramını, nedenlerini ve sonuçlarını net bir şekilde ortaya koymak örgütsel davranış yazını açısından önem arz etmektedir. Bütün bunlardan yola çıkarak bu bölüm sahtekârlık fenomeni olgusunu teorik açıdan ele alarak kavramın daha net anlaşılmasını hedeflemektedir. Buradan hareketle kitabın bu bölümünde öncelikle sahtekârlık fenomeni kavramının tanımı yapılarak sahtekârlık fenomeninin özelliklerinden bahsedilmiştir. Daha sonra bu fenomenin nedenleri açıklanmıştır. Bir sonraki kısımda sahtekârlık fenomeninin birey ile çalışan ve örgüt ile ilgili sonuçları ele alınmıştır. Son kısım ise sahtekârlık fenomeni ile başa çıkmak ve etkisini azaltmak için uygulanması gereken stratejileri açıklamaktadır.
Örgütsel Çatışma
Örgütsel Çatışma
(Organizational Conflict)
- Author(s):Anıl Kale
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Organizational Psychology, Behaviorism, Management and complex organizations, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:301-318
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:organization; conflict; behavior; individuals; groups;
- Summary/Abstract:Humans are creatures that live together by nature, and individuals have different characters and personality traits. Although these differences are the characteristics that make individuals, they can sometimes cause disagreements. These disagreements that arise for various reasons are called “conflicts”. It is not enough to limit conflict to mere disagreements between individuals. Because conflict can always confront individuals in all areas of life. Organizations that include individuals with many different characteristics are also one of these areas. This phenomenon, which is frequently encountered in both daily and business life, expresses situations such as conflict, hostility and anxiety. There are many reasons for conflict in organizations. For whatever reason, it is important to manage the conflict well, otherwise the organization will be negatively affected. Conflict is a situation that takes place in the life of every living thing. As with every living thing, it is not possible for humans to stay away from conflicts and conflicts in environments. Conflict can occur between friends, between parents and children, between employees in the organization, between drivers in traffic, etc. can occur at any time. Although many definitions have been made in the literature, in short, conflict is the behavior patterns that prevent a person from reaching his goals. The dictionary meaning of conflict is: “It is the mental state of the individual created by opposing or equally attractive wishes and desires that arise at the same time. According to another definition, it is the situation in which there is conflict arising from differences in status, purpose, value or perception during the sharing of scarce resources or the distribution of tasks between individuals or groups in organizations.
Örgütsel Dedikodu
Örgütsel Dedikodu
(Organizational Gossip)
- Author(s):Filiz Demir
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Organizational Psychology, Behaviorism, Management and complex organizations, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:319-340
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:functioning in organization; individuals in organization; gossip;
- Summary/Abstract:For successful organizational functioning, information must be available when and where it is needed. This can be achieved through official channels in accordance with institutional arrangements, internal correspondence, intranet, interfaces, workflow, business meetings, reports, etc. in the operation of an organization. Instead of the inadequate official channels, informal channels are used. The most popular informal information sharing is organizational gossip. Organizational gossip is an important tool of informal communication in organizational media. Organizational gossip, which operates in the context of obtaining and disseminating information from the third hand, has a vital importance in the conduct of business relations, organizational effectiveness and achievement of goals. Being a common form of communication, organizational gossip can cause some harm as well as providing corporate benefits. The most important point here will be to provide information about organizational movements by accepting organizational gossip as a feedback tool from the management policies of institutions. Therefore, management should focus and encourage culture or mutual respect rather than suppressing gossip. Thus, organizational gossip can eliminate organizational bias and abuse by promoting qualified knowledge transfer and cooperation.
Örgütsel Tükenmişlik
Örgütsel Tükenmişlik
(Organizational Burnout)
- Author(s):Semra TETİK
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Organizational Psychology, Behaviorism, Management and complex organizations
- Page Range:341-357
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:burnout; employees; emotional exhaustion;
- Summary/Abstract:Burnout is an important psychological condition that is most common and experienced by almost everyone. Today, with the increase in the rate of change, people's constant fear and anxiety that they are missing something, and the feeling that they have to act quickly, has made burnout a part of daily life. It highlights the organizational dimension of burnout more, especially since employees spend most of the day in the organization. Burnout means a decrease in human emotional and physical resources. Burnout is more common in occupations where there is intense interaction with people. Emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and low sense of accomplishment occur in the employees due to the accumulation of problems arising from the employees themselves, their environment or the organization they are affiliated with due to reasons such as burnout, unfair management, heavy workload, poor communication, frustration, excessive formality, ambiguity of goals, insecurity, time pressure, and excessive competition. may cause them to enter the process and become unable to do their jobs. Therefore, burnout is a process that needs to be emphasized and dealt with because it brings with it important problems for both the employees and the organization.
Örgütsel Muhalefet
Örgütsel Muhalefet
(Organizational Opposition)
- Author(s):Murat Ayar
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Organizational Psychology, Behaviorism, Management and complex organizations, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:359-384
- No. of Pages:26
- Keywords:organization; behavior;
- Summary/Abstract:Organizational behavior issues affect the organization both directly and indirectly, and sometimes directly and indirectly. An organizational behavior that affects positively or negatively according to the nature of the behavior brings positive or negative results for the organization according to this tendency. It is not possible to have the same management style, managers with the same characteristics or the same organizational structure in every organization. For this reason, within the framework of these changing factors, the employees of the organization show positive or negative reactions to all kinds of thoughts, ideas and behaviors they encounter. As a result of an action, behavior or practice carried out within the organization, dissatisfied organizational managers and/or employees of the organization may emerge. And in the face of this situation, when the employees of the organization are able to express this thought with a contrary thought, they exhibit the behavior of organizational opposition. It is necessary to have knowledge and skills about the management of the organization, the field of work in which they operate, the sector, the management process and all the factors that make up the general structure of the organization. All knowledge and skills and all positive approaches are important for the future of the organization. Considering the fact that it is getting harder to compete with each passing day, especially with the rapid change and development of technology in the scientific age we live in, even a small oppositional behavior that may occur in the internal environment of the organization can affect the organization unexpectedly. For this reason, it is necessary to provide practices and trainings to the managers of the organization that will make them adopt the democratic leader feature, and to show the thoughts, ideas, attitudes and behaviors to the employees of the organization that will express that they are as valuable as the managers. Otherwise, there will be organizational dissent behavior and it may harm the organization directly or indirectly.
Örgütsel Dışlanma
Örgütsel Dışlanma
(Organizational Ostracism)
- Author(s):Hilmiye Türesin Tetik
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Organizational Psychology, Behaviorism, Management and complex organizations
- Page Range:385-401
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Ostracised employees; organization; behavior; commitment;
- Summary/Abstract:Ostracised employees feel that others do not pay attention to them, that they are excluded from the group, and that they are rejected by the group. Employeess who are excluded from their organizations experience 'social death' by being kept away from their rights and resources. It is suggested that these employees who feel less belonging to their organizations have lower job performance, show less organizational citizenship behavior, organizational commitment and more deviant behavior. Sharma and Dhar (2022), in a systematic review study on organizational exclusion, made a more comprehensive assessment of the effects of organizational ostracism at the individual, relational and organizational levels. On the other hand, some suggestions are made to increase the social support of the family, to share information within the organization, and to increase social interactions in combating organizational ostracism. Therefore, in this section; the concept of organizational ostracism and the theories supporting the concept, the antecedents and results of the concept are given by giving examples from related researches. Within the scope of the chapter, the methods that can be used in the fight against organizational ostaracism are also mentioned.
Örgütsel Kayırmacılık
Örgütsel Kayırmacılık
(Organizational Favoritism)
- Author(s):Şeyda Kaya, Akif Gökçe
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Organizational Psychology, Behaviorism, Management and complex organizations, Human Resources in Economy, Business Ethics
- Page Range:403-425
- No. of Pages:23
- Keywords:favoritism; organization; privileged individuals;
- Summary/Abstract:Favoritism is an unethical practice that is frequently encountered in institutions both in developed and developing countries. Organizational favoritism, on the other hand, is a general nomenclature given to the situation where a person or group is given privilege or advantage over others, even though it is not related to performance or competence. Favoritism can occur in different forms depending on the relationship between the individual or the organization that benefits from the favoritism. Regardless of their type, when considered at the organizational level, these privileges can cause usurpation of the rights of other employees, imbalance, injustice and unjustness among people; it can negatively affect the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization. In this context, the concept of favoritism has been first explained in the study; then, types of favoritism are discussed in two main groups as human favoritism and political favoritism. Although there are different classifications in the literature, human favoritism is handled as i- nepotism, ii- chronism, iii- tribalism and iv- compatriotism; political favoritism is handled i- patronage, ii- clientalism and iii- service favoritism within the scope of this study. Finally, the last 20 years' studies over the concept of favoritism are evaluated as content analysis, and the result obtained in the light of all these are evaluated in the study.
İşyerinde Mobbing
İşyerinde Mobbing
(Mobbing in the Workplace)
- Author(s):İlknur SAYAN, Ferhat Varış
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Organizational Psychology, Behaviorism
- Page Range:427-449
- No. of Pages:23
- Keywords:mobbing in the workplace; behaviorism; malicious behavior;
- Summary/Abstract:Mobbing, which is an important problem in the workplace, has recently received more and more attention in academic and business environments. Mobbing is a series of actions that have social and psychological multidimensional features and are frequently seen in the business environment. Mobbing can manifest itself as behaviors, words, actions, gestures or writings that affect personality, dignity, physical and psychological integrity. Mobbing has negative effects on the working environment. These range from stress and depression to psychosomatic disorders and even chronic diseases. Mobbing in the workplace is repetitive, unreasonable malicious behavior towards an employee or a group of employees that poses a risk to health and safety. It can manifest itself in the form of intimidation, physical violence, discrimination. It is important to be aware of the phenomenon of mobbing, which can cause serious negative effects at the individual, organizational and even social level, to determine its causes and to take precautions.
Olumsuz Durumları İfşa Etme (Whistleblowing)
Olumsuz Durumları İfşa Etme (Whistleblowing)
- Author(s):Deniz Yildiz
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Organizational Psychology, Behaviorism, Management and complex organizations
- Page Range:451-468
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:whistleblowing; employees; organizations; behavior;
- Summary/Abstract:As in all areas of our lives, some negative situations can be experienced in the organizations where we continue our business lives. While this negative situation is sometimes an unethical behavior, sometimes it can be an illegal action. Instead of staying silent against these negativities, employees can fight against this irregularity by reporting these negativities to the competent authorities. The behavior of the employees to deal with negative situations; The disclosure behavior is called whistleblowing. The behavior of disclosing negative situations is the revealing of all inappropriate behaviors that can harm the organization such as ethical and unethical behavior in the organization, taking bribes, abuse of power, and waste of resources. Disclosure behavior by the employee is voluntary, not mandatory. While the employee struggles for the emergence and improvement of this situation by not ignoring the negative situations, he undoubtedly exhibits a civic virtue towards the organization. In this section, while explaining the definition, types and characteristics of the concept of whistleblowing behavior, the evaluation of the behaviors that cause the disclosure of negative situations and the situations that arise as a result of this behavior are discussed in terms of organizational behavior.