Teoria feministyczna a niebinarne pojęcie płci
Feminist theory and a nonbinary notion of sex/gender
Author(s): Renata ZiemińskaSubject(s): Gender Studies, Social Philosophy, Social Theory
Published by: Ośrodek Badań Filozoficznych
Keywords: feminism; intersex persons; nonbinary identities; nonbinary concept of sex/gender; Karen Barad;
Summary/Abstract: The article starts with feminist analyses of the concept of woman (defining women as a group on a social or corporeal level), focusing on processual ontology by Karen Barad which is friendly to new conceptualizations. The reason to challenge the binary sex/gender concept is empirical data about intersex persons who have nonbinary biological traits and about nonbinary persons who identify as neither a woman nor a man. I discuss the new regulations in Germany introducing a third nonbinary sex/gender category. It does not respond to the needs of all people with nonbinary sex/gender characteristics but it is a symbolic step that can educate society. On the basis of this data I present my own analysis of the sex/gender characteristics in a nonbinary and multilayered model with seven layers, each divided into three spectra: femaleness, the nonbinary, and maleness. This model can help feminist theory to reinterpret the basic concept of woman.
Journal: AVANT. Pismo Awangardy Filozoficzno-Naukowej
- Issue Year: 2020
- Issue No: 3
- Page Range: 1-18
- Page Count: 18
- Language: Polish