Konceptualna alegoria sztuki. Portret artysty w sztuce konceptualnej
Conceptual Allegory of Art: a Portrait of an Artist in Conceptual Art
Author(s): Grzegorz DziamskiSubject(s): Fine Arts / Performing Arts
Published by: Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. Eugeniusza Gepperta we Wrocławiu
Summary/Abstract: Conceptual artists often considered photography as one of their basic media. However, in their extensive collection of photographs they produced, there aren’t many classical portraits and self-portraits. Conceptual artists formed their own visions of artists: artists performing their artistic roles, and artists as the subjects in their artistic dialogues. Some of their products were considered as portraits and were given such titles as ‘Self-Portrait as a Fountain’ (1967) by Bruce Nauman and ‘I’m Too Sad to Tell You’ (1970) by Bas Jan Ander. They were different from classical portraits, because an artist in a picture would do something he/she considered as conceptual art. Their actions were considered as ‘intertextual’ part of the game with art. Self-portraits are often considered as allegories of art. What conclusions can be drawn from the discussion of portraits by conceptual ar- tists? Let us look at some of their photographs in which they showed themselves.
Journal: DYSKURS Pismo Naukowo-Artystyczne ASP we Wrocławiu
- Issue Year: 2010
- Issue No: 2 (11)
- Page Range: 162-171
- Page Count: 10
- Language: Polish