Музикален пазар и потребителски нагласи в условия на дигитална медиатизация
Music Market and Consumer Attitudes in the Context of Digital Mediatization
Author(s): Anna NikolovaSubject(s): Social Sciences, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Music, Communication studies, Sociology
Published by: Факултет по журналистика и масова комуникация, Софийски университет „Св. Кл. Охридски”
Keywords: digital media; consumer attitudes; music market; mediatization
Summary/Abstract: The digital media and the music promotion (in all its genres) are invariably connected through the new means of communication between composers, performers, producers, marketers, PR specialists and audiences. The social actors are in a continuous and immediate symbiosis that is possible through and evoked by the expansion of new technologies. The contemporary digitization sets new rules of the media game, which is bi-directional – it is formed and depends on the attitudes of the consumers. On the one hand, the new media produces musical creations, and on the other, music finds new ways (through digitization) of expression through the channels that distribute it, and depends on them, as well as on the preferences of the audience. The convergence between the impact of and through the new media and the promotion of music can be explained by following the main processes that cause the customer to „like“ and / or pay to listen to a certain song. Some perspectives can be pointed out regarding the relationship between the media and the music market by understanding the deep alliance of consumer-artist-media and current statistics on the industry’s profit from digital sales.
Journal: Медиалог
- Issue Year: 2018
- Issue No: 4
- Page Range: 49-59
- Page Count: 11
- Language: Bulgarian