ALGERIA INDEPENDENCE WAR (1954-1962) Cover Image


Author(s): Abbas Karağaçli
Subject(s): Political history, Government/Political systems, International relations/trade, Post-War period (1950 - 1989)
Published by: Sage Yayınları
Keywords: Algeria; Africa; France; Colonialism; İndependence; Evian Agreement;

Summary/Abstract: Algeria or Democratic People's Republic of Algeria is a North African country. Thanks to the size of its surface, it is the tenth country in the world rankings. The country consists of 48 states administratively. The vast majority of the country is covered with oasis and deserts. Algeria also lives in Berber. Algeria entered French domination on July 5, 1830. The semi-presidential system is at the forefront. French imperialists did not want to lose the Algerian at all costs, some of the political and economic reasons. French imperialists did not want to lose the Algerian at all costs due to strategic, political and economic reasons. The Algerian People's Party is one of the strongest political organizations in the country. This party began its activities in the French Communist Party in 1920. Algeria struggled for independence against France between 1954 and 1962. In this struggle for independence, Algeria experienced significant losses. There have been many discussions in the long struggle for independence, but no major progress has been made, since France has failed to abandon its colony. However, he reached a conclusion with the treaty of Evian in 1962. The French colonialism, which lasted 130 years in Algeria, will finally end with the Evian agreement, signed in 1962, following the liberation war between 1954 and 1962. Algeria, which was governed by a sigleparty system since its independence, however, moved to a multi-party system in 1989. This can be seen as an important step taken in the process of transition to democracy in the country. Although there was instability in the country between 1992-1999, the country has remained independent until today.

  • Issue Year: 11/2019
  • Issue No: 41
  • Page Range: 107-115
  • Page Count: 9
  • Language: Turkish