Some specifics in forming comparative and superlative degree of adjectives in contemporary Bulgarian Cover Image

Към въпроса за особеностите при степенуване на прилагателните имена в съвременния български език
Some specifics in forming comparative and superlative degree of adjectives in contemporary Bulgarian

Author(s): Rumyana Rusinova, Aneta Tihova
Subject(s): Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, South Slavic Languages
Published by: Шуменски университет »Епископ Константин Преславски«
Keywords: adjective; comparative and superlative degree; language trend

Summary/Abstract: The article presents officially non-existent forms of comparative and superlative degree of non-gradable adjectives. Some conclusions are drawn regarding the reasons of the emergence of these non- standard forms. In addition, some language trends and perspectives related to this linguistic phenomenon are outlined.