Attitudes and opinions on Journalism of the Students of Journalism at the Faculty of Political Science Cover Image

Stavovi i mišljenja studenata novinarstva Fakulteta političkih znanosti o novinarstvu
Attitudes and opinions on Journalism of the Students of Journalism at the Faculty of Political Science

Author(s): Marko Sapunar
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences
Published by: Fakultet političkih znanosti u Zagrebu

Summary/Abstract: The paper explores the degree and quality of the perception of the students of journalism of their future profession. The author claims that the students harbor a more idealistic view of their profession than their employed colleagues. Namely, the extrapolation of the results might lead us to the conclusion that the degree of idealism decreases with the length of the working experience squared, which means that the humdrum routine of everyday work gradually lowers the level of journalists’ professional ambitions. The differences between the first- and second-year students show that education and maturity result in a more realistic assessment of journalistic profession, which means that the curricula and the organization of study in general should be constantly improved and updated. ************************************ U radu je istražen stupanj i kvaliteta percepcije studenata novinarstva vlastite profesije. Konstatirano je da studenti idealnije promatraju vlastito zanimanje od svojih zaposlenih kolega. Naime, ekstrapolacijom rezultata moglo bi se konstatirati da stupanj idealiteta opada kvadratom vremena zaposlenja, što znači da svakidašnjica novinarskog djelovanja snizuje, malo-pomalo, razinu profesionalnih aspiracija novinara. Iz razlika u procjenama prve i druge godine vidjelo se da edukacija i sazrijevanje daju realnije procjene novinarskog zanimanja, pa je nužno programe studija i ukupno organizaciju obrazovanja novinara stalno usavršavati i inovirati.

  • Issue Year: XXXVII/2000
  • Issue No: 03
  • Page Range: 194-207
  • Page Count: 14
  • Language: Croatian
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