Strokes from the activity of the teacher from Polikraishte Trifonka Romanova Popnikolova Cover Image

Щрихи от дейността на учителката от Поликраище Трифонка Романова Попниколова
Strokes from the activity of the teacher from Polikraishte Trifonka Romanova Popnikolova

Author(s): Mariana Georgieva, Georgi GEORGIEV
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Education, Preschool education, School education, History of Education, Educational Psychology
Published by: Великотърновски университет „Св. св. Кирил и Методий”
Keywords: Trifonka Romanova Popnikolova – teacher in Bulgarian language and literature; Primary school „St. St. Cyril and Methodius” – Polikraishte district Veliko Tirnovo; educative activity – contributes for

Summary/Abstract: The key points from the educative work of the teacher in Bulgarian language and literature in the Primary school „St. St. Cyril and Methodius” – Polikraishte, district Veliko Tirnovo Trifonka Romanova Popnikolva, are considered. Her contribution for the advancement of the level of education in Polikraishte to one of the best in Bulgaria is underlined. Her most significant achievement is the excellent command of the literary Bulgarian language from all her pupils. The distinctive features of her pedagogical labour are presented – phenominal exactingness and very good organization, strict discipline and order in the implementation of the school hours, usage of modern for the time technical means, the introduction of readers’ diaries in which the instructed retell the readthrough, creation of a „Diary of literary works” where first attempts for composing poems and short stories by pupis, inclined to write, are carried. The out-of-class occupations in the theatrical and literature circle „Artistic speech” which she directs, are also properly reflected. As a result of her unflagging efforts, her alumni are more qualified than the Veliko Tirnovo high-school boys and girls and the Sofia students.Attention is paid to her public activity as a Member of the County Committee of the Fatherland Front and as an enlightener in its local organization, oriented towards raising the culture of the population. Her most representative appearances in this path are the restorations of ancient folk customs from the life in Polikraishte. As author, scenario-writer, producer, organizer and director of the staging “Seeing-off to gourbet” (going to gourbet means going abroad to make a living) in which 75 persons take part, she is laureate of the county festivals “Folk art and customs” in Veliko Tirnovo in 1980. The awards with which the National Council of the Fatherland Front honours her for her enormous labour of great public utility, are pointed out, as well.

  • Issue Year: 2014
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 251-265
  • Page Count: 15
  • Language: Bulgarian
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