Regional / Universal in Literary Geography: Alexandru Lupeanu-Melin (1887 - 1937) Cover Image

Regional / universal în geografia literară: Alexandru Lupeanu-Melin (1887 - 1937)
Regional / Universal in Literary Geography: Alexandru Lupeanu-Melin (1887 - 1937)

Author(s): Ileana Ghemes
Subject(s): Literary Texts
Published by: Universitatea »1 Decembrie 1918« Alba Iulia
Keywords: regional; universal; literary geography

Summary/Abstract: One of the most important teachers of Romanian spirituality from Blaj, Al. Lupeanu-Melin (16 July 1887 – 7 October 1937) has a special place in the Romanian culture. Member of „Societatea Scriitorilor Români” starting with Aprilie 1923, officially recognized for his literary and publishing activity, mentioned in the bibliographies from Blaj, Al. Lupeanu-Melin still doesn’t have his place in the literary dictionaries written in the last decades. But, in the literary geography of Alba county, his cultural activity expressed and promoted the most authentic trace of Blaj city. In 1909, he published in „Revista politică şi literară” from Blaj, under the pseudonym of A. Melin, some interesting travel memories about Alba-de-jos, with the title Zile de vară. Note de drum. Spre hotar. As a student (22 years old), he was impressed by the beautiful Romanian country, by the historical events preserved in documents, as soon as by the social, political, economical and cultural realities of this part of the country. Already trained in the patriotic spirit of the so-called Scolile Blajului, Al. Lupeanu-Melin was able to work with old strong information gained from his teachers. For instance, in a work about the trip organized for the pupils from Blaj, in 25 of May 1912, in Alba Iulia, published in „Anuarul Institutelor de Învăţământ Gr.-Cat. din Balázsfalva (Blaj) […] pe anul scolastic 1911-12”, he talks about the training opportunities, in the respect of intellectual and patriotic values, for the Romanian young generations from Transylvania.

  • Issue Year: 9/2008
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 15-18
  • Page Count: 4
  • Language: Romanian