Non-formal teaching methods in higher edducation Cover Image

Неформални методи на обучение във висшето образование
Non-formal teaching methods in higher edducation

Author(s): Greta Dermendjieva
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Education, Media studies, Communication studies, Higher Education
Published by: Софийски университет »Св. Климент Охридски«
Keywords: Collaborative learning; Self-directed learning; Blended learning; Active learning; Technology-Enhanced teaching & learning; Flipped teaching & learning

Summary/Abstract: This paper presents actual case studies from the author’s practice in flipped teaching, blended, collaborative and self-directed learning, carried out within information and communication technology-supported classroom environment, combining the interaction through online digital media, social networks and mobile devices with a quality of the traditional educational methods. In the contemporary reality of abundant information flow, the teaching process should be adapted to more innovative methods which make students cooperate between groups, faculties and universities, giving them both the ability to gain information and share knowledge as well asto be more initiative, active learning and help-oriented.In order to prepare students to meet the requirements of the 21st century and to develop self-directed learning skills, we should expand the classical lecturing to a blended learning and assessment models built on collaborative processes that engage them to interact and learn from each other. Here are some examples from my teaching practice where various tasks have been assigned to different classes of journalism, graphic design, pedagogy and book publishing students.

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