Towards peer education prevention of school dropout: An exploratory analysis of an action-research study Cover Image

Towards peer education prevention of school dropout: An exploratory analysis of an action-research study
Towards peer education prevention of school dropout: An exploratory analysis of an action-research study

Author(s): Gabriella Colucci, Francesco Arcidiacono
Subject(s): Psychology, Educational Psychology
Published by: Филозофски факултет, Универзитет у Београду
Keywords: dropout; action-research; peer education; qualitative analysis; life skills education

Summary/Abstract: This paper presents the exploratory analysis of an action-research into dropout prevention in an Italian secondary school. By taking into account the representations of teachers, students and parents, different activities of peer education have been implemented during the school year in a city of Sardinia in order to promote school success. The study is based on a mixed-methods design, including focus groups with teachers, students and parents, as well as classroom observations. The action-research consists of different interventions: firstly, the participants’ representations of school dropout have been collected; then, a specific program of peer education has been proposed through activities of role-playing, simulations, brainstorming, and improvement of life skills (during training meetings with the participants). Thereafter, the action-research has been qualitatively analyszed, with the findings indicating possible directions of re-creating school practices that could have potential benefits in preventing dropout.

  • Issue Year: 20/2017
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 127-143
  • Page Count: 17
  • Language: English