Двадесeт година процеса приватизације у земљама на простору бивше Југославије: модели и резултати
Twenty Years of Privatization Process in Former Yugoslav Countries: Models and Results
Author(s): Sonja BunčićSubject(s): Recent History (1900 till today), Government/Political systems, Economic development, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development, Corruption - Transparency - Anti-Corruption
Published by: Институт за политичке студије
Keywords: transition; model of privatization; ownership transformation; institutions;
Summary/Abstract: Тransition is a comprehensive social reform. Key of its success lies in efficient privatization. Former Yugoslav republics, began the process of privatization from equal positions, 20 years ago, but the attained results are uneven. Some of the countries became members of European Union, while others are considered to be the poorest countries in Europe. The goal of this paper is to present the applied models of privatization and connect them with achieved results. The misuse of social ownership specifics, week public institutions and corruption, according to the author, are the cause of poor privatization’s results. Threw strengthening of economic and public institutions, these countries should develop their democratic systems from imperfect to mature, in order to achieve comprehensive transition results.
Journal: Српска политичка мисао
- Issue Year: 2012
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 201-222
- Page Count: 22
- Language: Serbian