1989 at the Department Against Rightist Opportunism at the Counter-Intelligence Directorate of the National Security Corps in Bratislava Cover Image

Rok 1989 na oddelení boja proti pravicovému oportunizmu Správy kontrarozviedky ZNB v Bratislave
1989 at the Department Against Rightist Opportunism at the Counter-Intelligence Directorate of the National Security Corps in Bratislava

Author(s): Jerguš Sivoš
Subject(s): Security and defense, Post-War period (1950 - 1989), History of Communism
Published by: Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů
Keywords: Czechoslovakia; invasion 1968; Warsaw pact troops; purges;normalisation;November 1989; Bratislava; secret services;

Summary/Abstract: After the invasion of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact troops and the halting of the process of renewal in August 1968 there were extensive purges within the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (KSČ). The new supreme party leadership dubbed the reform process revisionism and its representatives rightist opportunists. After those in question were expelled from the KSČ they became of interest to the State Security (StB). In Slovakia leading “rightist opportunists” were handled by the Counter-Intelligence Directorate in Bratislava (12th Directorate of the National Security Corps). By the end of the Communist regime it had subdivided them into five groups: Alexander Dubček; the political right (Kusý, Šimečka, Strinka and others); the economic right (Kočtúch, Pavlenda and others); a group of young anti-Communist oriented persons surrounding the samizdat Fragment-K (Šimečka Jr., Pastier, Hoffman and others); and a group of young environmentalists (Budaj, Huba). In order to stamp out their activities and influence their actions the StB employed agents, wiretapping, surveillance and the screening of correspondence. It carried out agent-operative preventative and disruptive activities against them even after mass demonstrations erupted on 17 November 1989. At the beginning of December 1989 it ceased operations in individual cases and destroyed the relevant files. In addition, some agents attempted to cover up interference in the registration records of agent and operative files.

  • Issue Year: 2015
  • Issue No: 26
  • Page Range: 104-141
  • Page Count: 38
  • Language: Czech
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