A terhes asszony és az újszülött egészségének védelme
Csíkban a 20. század első felében T. Székely László kézirata nyomán
Health Protection of the Pregnant Woman and the Newborn in Csík County, in the First Half of the 20th Century – on the Basis of Székely László's Manuscript
Author(s): Brigitta SzűcsSubject(s): Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
Published by: Korunk Baráti Társaság
Keywords: László T. Székely; manuscript; life stages of the peasant society; health of the pregnant woman and the newborn
Summary/Abstract: László T. Székely (1912-1982) was born in Gyimesbükk, studied theology at the Theological Academy of Gyulafehérvár (Alba Iulia) and later served as a curate and teacher of catholic religion in Csík (Ciuc) county. In 1947 he graduated as a teacher of history 124 and geography at the Bolyai University of Kolozsvár (Cluj). After leaving church service, he received a doctorate in ethnography, a domain in which he carried out researches for the rest of his life. As an ethnographer, he was interested in the religious life of the székelys, and he published several papers in this topics. The present study investigates his manuscript written in 1948, entitled Az életfordulók néprajza. A paraszt társadalom alkata az évfordulók csíki néprajzában (The Ethnography of the Life Stages. The Characteristics of Peasant Society from the Perspective of Anniversaries in Csík), particularly the chapter concerning the experiential, magical and mythical practices and ideas in relation to the health of the pregnant woman and the newborn.
Journal: Korunk
- Issue Year: 2017
- Issue No: 01
- Page Range: 34-41
- Page Count: 8
- Language: Hungarian