Russia’s energy policy as a part of Russian foreign policy Cover Image

Russlands Energiepolitik als Teil der russischen Außenpolitik
Russia’s energy policy as a part of Russian foreign policy

Author(s): Maciej Zblewski
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Energy and Environmental Studies, International relations/trade
Published by: Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Keywords: energy policy;the European Union;natural gas;Russian Federation

Summary/Abstract: This publication is part of the doctoral thesis, written in German with the title: Die Energiepolitik der Russischen Föderation im Zeitraum 2000–2009 und deren Auswirkungen für die energetische Sicherheit der EU (The Russian energy Policy 2000–2009 and its impact on the European energy security). The article presents how the Russian Federation is using its energy resources to achieve their current and future foreign policy goals. The author makes an attempt to explain a num-ber of fundamental issues relating on the one hand to the main motives of the Russian Federation in this field and on the other to its methods. He also analy-ses the Russian energy strategy and its negative impact on the energy security of the European Union. As important elements of this strategy the ”Gas-OPEC” as well as the direct and indirect investments of Gazprom in EU are mentioned. It is claimed that the implementation of pipeline projects by the Russian Federa-tion (Nord-Stream and South- Stream) isn’t carried out at the bilateral relations level randomly – Nord-Stream (Russia-Germany), South-Stream (Russia-Italy) – but rather is seen as an opportunity to strengthen Russia’s relations with selected countries. This can be seen as an attempt to make the European Union weaker as a multilateral organization.

  • Issue Year: 6/2014
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 129-164
  • Page Count: 36
  • Language: Polish