To a question of interpretation of a plot of relief composition of a red varnish of a dish from excavation of a burial ground "Sovhoz-10" Cover Image

К вопросу об интерпретации сюжета рельефной композиции краснолакового блюда из раскопок могильника «Совхоз-10»
To a question of interpretation of a plot of relief composition of a red varnish of a dish from excavation of a burial ground "Sovhoz-10"

Author(s): L.A. Ryizhova
Subject(s): History, Archaeology, Ancient World
Published by: Нижневартовский государственный университет
Keywords: Archaeology; Ancient Chersonesus; History; art history; coroplastics;

Summary/Abstract: In 1961 at excavation of the burial ground located in the territory of sovhoz "Sevastopol" ("Sovhoz -10") the red varnish of a dish with horizontally unbent edge and low, simple, without any profiling, the ring pallet was found. Article is devoted to attribution of the multifigured composition decorating it.