Coduri etice şi deontologice ale funcţionarilor publici
Ethical and Deontological Codes of Civil Servants
Author(s): Ana Caras, Antonio SanduSubject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
Published by: Editura Lumen, Asociatia Lumen
Keywords: code of ethics; public servant ethics; ethical counselling
Summary/Abstract: Codes of ethics and standards of professional conduct are practical tools of management, designed to transform social power and morality and use them (Agheorghesei, 2011). The usefulness of codes of ethics is to maintain awareness of ethical issues, and to serve as reminder tool of desirable standards helping to deepen the reflection process towards new situations (Corodeanu, 2007). Codes of ethics aim at behavior of professionals in the exercise of professional responsibilities and the manifestation of their professional conduct, also controlling the professional conduct outside the duties of the job. It concerns credibility and professional prestige necessary in the exercise of job responsibilities. However, the limitations imposed by codes of ethics can target potential conflict of interest in the particular situation of the individual and the organization where he is operating. The rules of professional ethics follow the statutory of obligations with moral character as professional standards, outside the direct application of legal dispositions. Ethical codes are seen as means of self-reflexive, awareness and internalize certain moral principles and requirements in order to improve individual performance and system image (Danileţ, 2011). An ethical code (of conduct) is assumed and accepted by professionals who agree to regulate their own behavior according to looser or tighter standards, accepting these rules from “bottom to top”. Codes of ethics aim at regulating minimum standards that are required and mandatory for practitioners. Conducts regulated by codes of ethics are of general character with principles status and their violation generates unacceptable behaviors which are disciplinary sanctioned (Danileţ, 2011). Deontological Code is issued by authorities with regulatory competences in a specific area, in order to establish general principles and rules that characterize a profession. Deontological Codes should include mandatory minimum standards necessary to practice a profession. A code of deontological conduct is a means of correction required from “top to bottom” and “outlaws” unacceptable behaviors thus the sanctions are negative, disciplinary (Danileţ, 2011). Deontological Code of civil servants is regulated by Law no. 7 from February 18, 2004 *** Republished regarding the Code of Conduct of civil servants. The Code contains a series of principles which we consider of a general legal nature rather than ethical deontic, such as supremacy of the Constitution and the law (article 3, paragraph a), as well as ethical principles which are based on an ethical utilitarian egalitarian vision.
Journal: Anuarul Universităţii »Petre Andrei« Iaşi - Fascicula Drept, Ştiinţe Economice, Ştiinţe Politice
- Issue Year: 2012
- Issue No: 10
- Page Range: 107-119
- Page Count: 13
- Language: Romanian