Darnus vystymasis visuomenės geografinių ir kultūrinių skirtumų požiūriu
Sustainable development in terms of geographical and cultural differences of societies
Author(s): Tomasz Trojanowski, Jan DługoszSubject(s): Geography, Regional studies
Published by: Lietuvos geografų draugija
Keywords: sustainable development; cultural differences; society
Summary/Abstract: The essence of development is the sustainable development in terms of geographical and cultural differences of societies. The article contains definitions and concepts of sustainable development. The effects of geo-cultural differences in the implementation of sustainable development among societies are determined. The following part of the paper presents the types of cultures oriented positively and negatively to the introduction of the principles of sustainable development. At the end of the article is a summary. The contents included in the article can assist in creating an action strategy of sustainable development in both the micro and macro scale.
Journal: Geografija ir edukacija: mokslo almanachas
- Issue Year: 3/2015
- Issue No: -
- Page Range: 60-65
- Page Count: 6
- Language: English