Pastoral Preparation of the Seminarians to the Ministration of Charity Cover Image

Przygotowanie pastoralne seminarzystów do posługi charytatywnej
Pastoral Preparation of the Seminarians to the Ministration of Charity

Author(s): Piotr Matuszak
Subject(s): Christian Theology and Religion
Published by: Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Keywords: charity; formation of seminarians; pastoral formation; formation for charitable activity

Summary/Abstract: One of the essential goals of pastoral formation of seminarians is their preparation to the animation of the ministration of charity in the conditions of the modern world. Unselfish love of neighbour is one of the basic aims of the Church, and fulfillment of the commandment of love of neighbour is a guarantee of the dynamic growth of the Christian communities. The ministration of charity, which – as the Vatican Council II underlines – is a right and duty of every disciple of Christ, arises from the God's commandment of love and consists in helping people to satisfy their existential, social and spiritual needs. Therefore, in pastoral formation of candidates to priesthood it should be taken into account that every priest becomes involved in the mission of Christ, an important part of which is unselfish love of neighbour. This article is a result of a reflection, which has its source not only in the teaching of the Church on formation in ministration of charity, but also in my own sociological survey conducted in 2008-2009 among 303 deacons from 37 seminaries in Poland. The article shows the current state of preparation of Polish seminarians to animation of pastoral activity, and also the ways to strengthen and improve their formation in ministration of charity.

  • Issue Year: 62/2015
  • Issue No: 06
  • Page Range: 97-122
  • Page Count: 26