Th e Concept of Personal Cultural Autonomy in Lithuania and Belarus (Early 20th Century) Cover Image

Канцэпцыя персанальнай культурнай аўтаноміі ў Літве і Беларусі (пачатак XX стагоддзя)
Th e Concept of Personal Cultural Autonomy in Lithuania and Belarus (Early 20th Century)

Author(s): Darius Staliūnas
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences
Published by: Палітычная сфера
Keywords: the adherents of Kraj idea; Tadeusz Wróblewski; Kraj (regionalism) idea; Lithuanian movement

Summary/Abstract: National movements in the former lands of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania had to some extent similar agenda – fi rst of all the overthrow of the tsarist regime and democratisation At the same time confl icts between them were unavoidable: social confl ict between Lithuanian (peasant) movement and Polish one, which mainly represented nobility; cultural and linguistic confl ict, where Lithuanians sought to diminish the role of the Polish language, and cultural and territorial confl ict, because Lithuanians, Poles and Belarusians tried to gain the same territory. Th e solution for all these confl icts was presented by Kraj (regionalism) movement, which proposed to re-establish the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, but on democratic basis. At the same time there is almost no information as to how they intended to organise a peaceful co-existence of diff erent nationalities in that state. Th is article is devoted to the concept of national personal autonomy, proposed by one of the leaders of that movement, Tadeusz Wroblewski (Tadas Vrublevskis), as a mechanism for solving national problems. Th e statement is made in the article that this idea could hardly fi nd supporters at the beginning of the 20th century and it would face serious diffi culties in implementation.

  • Issue Year: 2012
  • Issue No: 18-19
  • Page Range: 077-086
  • Page Count: 10
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