Autumn 2006 / Issue 70 Cover Image

Jesień 2006 / Numer 70
Autumn 2006 / Issue 70

Author(s): Guy Debord, Mateusz Kwaterko, Martin Krämer-Liehn, Stewart Elliott Guthrie, Michał Kozłowski, Krzysztof Lubczyński, Teresa Święćkowska, Michał Herer, Piotr Szumlewicz, Tomasz Żukowski, Wanda Nowicka, Adam Mrozowicki , Katarzyna Chmielewska
Subject(s): Cultural Essay, Political Essay, Societal Essay
Published by: Instytut Wydawniczy KSIĄŻKA i PRASA
Keywords: abortion in Poland; Polish „Redwatch”; historical politics; NSDAP; Hilter; Law and Justice Party; J. & L.Kaczyński; Lesiak's cupboard; League of Polish Families; Polish agriculture; Giertych; Lepper;

Summary/Abstract: The Autumn 2006 Issue can be downloaded as one file covering all pages. Contents of Issue 70 / Spis treści numeru 70 STANY MANIAKALNO-POLITYCZNE / MANIACAL-POLITICAL STATES Krzysztof LUBCZYŃSKI Precedens / Precedent (On the history of nazism in Poland: ONR-Falanga, Bolesław Piasecki, murder on the Polish president Gabriel Narutowicz, transformation in Poland after 1989) Michał KOZŁOWSKI Łzy pułkownika albo człowiek z szafą (On Lesiak's cupboard and the Polish discourse on authority) Mateusz KWATERKO Bzik / Craze (On Polish society which absorbes the the jabber of the politics) Chore dzieci transformacji / Ill children of transformation (On psychiatric illnesses, addiction to alcohol and unemployment of teh Poles after 1989) Dwie różne śmierci / Two Different Deaths (On two suicides of Polish teenagers) Kronika kwartału / Chronicle of July, August, September 2006 - political digest ORKA NA UGORZE / PLOUGHING IN FALLOW GROUND Michał KOZŁOWSKI Wszystkie nasze rolne sprawy / All Our Agricultural Things (On bio-food and torments of animals) Teresa ŚWIĘĆKOWSKA Chłopi / Peasants (A sociological insight in the Polish countryside) Piotr SZUMLEWICZ Antyglobalistyczna polityka rolna / Antiglobal Agricultural Politics Martin KRAEMER-LIEHN Pięć pocztówek z Czeng De / Five Postcards from Cheng De (Guantanamo Bay; China) Guy DEBORD Tłumigłód / Abat-faim (There is no equivalent in English for the antiquated French term abat-faim, which was typically a piece of high-quality beef to which one returned again and again (la piece de resistance). The abat-faim didn't satisify hunger: it merely reduced hunger or staved it off for a little while longer. Note that an abat-jour is a lampshade or a light-of-day reducer. And so, for our purposes, the phrase "hunger reducer" will have to do.) CO RZEKŁ CAMBRONNE... / WHAT CAMBRONNE SAID... Tomasz ŻUKOWSKI Okrakiem na barykadzie / Astraddle on Baricade (On contemporary neglecting of the intelectuals in Polish politics) Adam MROZOWICKI Dlaczego robotnicy nie protestują? / Why Do Not the Workers Protest? (Solidarność) Katarzyna CHMIELEWSKA, Tomasz ŻUKOWSKI Ścieżki awansu. Przewodnik po pracy najemnej (Career Path; Labour Market) SYNDROM ABORCYJNY /ABORTION SYNDROME Wanda NOWICKA Kobieto, brzuchu marny / Woman, Thou Miserable Belly (On Abortion) Piotr SZUMLEWICZ Władza nad kobietami / Power on Women (On rtion and Human Rights) SŁOWNIK KOMUNAŁÓW / BANALITIY DICTIONARY Michał HERER Potrzeba duchowości / Need of Spirituality SAPERE AUDE Stewart Elliott GUTHRIE Inteligentny projekt świata jest iluzją / Intelligent World Project Is an Illusion Szatan z siódmej klasy / Rascal from Class Seven (Inquisition in a Polish School) III STRONA OKŁADKI / 3. Cover Page Małpa w kąpieli / Monkey in Bath

  • Issue Year: 2006
  • Issue No: 70
  • Page Range: 1-32
  • Page Count: 32
  • Language: Polish
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