Епигенетика, социални науки, етика и политика
Epigenetics, Social Sciences, Ethics and Politics
Author(s): Ivan KatzarskiSubject(s): Philosophy, Social Sciences, Psychology, Ethics / Practical Philosophy, Neuropsychology
Published by: Институт по философия и социология при БАН
Keywords: epigenetics; social sciences; ethics; policies; medicalization; behavioural models; responsibilities; human development
Summary/Abstract: Major interpretations of epigenetics are considered – social-ecological, biomedical and bioethical, – as well as their impact on social sciences and humanities, policies and opportunities for human development. The following important conclusions are formulated: firstly, epigenetics can be a stimulus to reform social sciences, as well as for policies aiming at purer environment, less poverty and social inequality, more freedom and less violence; (2) one-sided and implicit biomedical interpretation of epigenetics not only does not solve but intensifies existing problems relating to health and wellbeing of people in contemporary societies; (3) this however does not mean rejecting the biomedical approach but finding it’s appropriate and balanced place in the context of functioning ecological and social policies; (4) practices and behavioural models that epigenetics determines as sensitive presuppose respective responsibilities on the part of various subjects – organisations, institutions and pаrticular individuals. A critical evaluation is necessary of attempts to reject responsibilities as well as of their imbalanced distribution among various subjects.
Journal: Философски алтернативи
- Issue Year: XXXIII/2024
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 66-81
- Page Count: 16
- Language: Bulgarian
- Content File-PDF