Social distances and stereotypes towards sexual and ethnic minorities in Bulgaria Cover Image

Социални дистанции и стереотипи към сексуалните и етническите малцинства в България
Social distances and stereotypes towards sexual and ethnic minorities in Bulgaria

Author(s): Nikolay Dimitrov
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Psychology, Social psychology and group interaction
Published by: Софийски университет »Св. Климент Охридски«
Keywords: social distance; minority; ethnicity; sexuality; sex; gender

Summary/Abstract: Current work presents a study of social distances between the majority and some other groups, concerning two identity determining characteristics, in this case ethnicity and sexuality. The activation of intercultural and intergroup interactions actualizes studying of the optimal social distance perception. Cross-cultural and cross-stratal interaction and communication between individuals go constantly in the social environment, including interpersonal contacts, marital and family relations, professional and political interactions. Social distance characterizes the state the social groups and individuals have in the social environment – their ‘proximity’ and their ‘remoteness’, and the degree of their ‘interconnectedness’. Generally speaking, keeping the social distance is a relatively rigid and stable process which may be rarely changed.

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