Stylistic directions that influenced the arrival of the symbolic spirit in solo songs of Albanian composers during the years 1944-1991 Cover Image

Стилистични насоки, оказали влияние на символистичния дух в соловите песни от албански композитори в периода 1944-1991
Stylistic directions that influenced the arrival of the symbolic spirit in solo songs of Albanian composers during the years 1944-1991

Author(s): Vita Guhelli
Subject(s): Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Music
Published by: Нов български университет
Keywords: Symbolism; solo songs; Albanian composers; ideology; communist

Summary/Abstract: Symbolism in solo songs of Albanian Composers written in the second half of the twentieth century. My thesis presents a research on symbolism in the solo songs by Albanian composers written in the second half of the 20th century. The main aim of this research is to break down symbolism and some other aesthetic elements into solo songs form of the Albanian musical artistic community that was living and creating at a time of doubts and censorship, the era of totalitarian monist undemocratic communist ideology. Symbolism as a spirit in Albanian music art has been little elaborated, but there are no publications or books that elaborate on symbolism in musical art in general, especiall y research onsolo songs. This thesis requires sensitivity of approach, knowing the reason for the emergence of symbolism in the works of these composers. The symbolism in Albanian literature and professionalKeywords: Symbolism; solo songs; Albanian composers; ideology, communist the Albanian artist. This is the main reason why I decided to do a study in this field. Another reason for my determination on this topic is my professional-concert journey which is concentrated on the solo songs of the Albanian composers. From the research in this area, we can conclude that symbolism in Albanian professional music of the second half of the 20th century has bold harmonic hues, similar to developed European and world countries, but has its characteristic or distinctive qualities. Another characteristic that makes the difference in the creativity of this period of Albanian music is the embodiment of the literary style of symbolism.