Post-imperium – ideea rusă a secolului al XXI-lea – un mix geocultural, geoistoric și geopolitic
Post-imperium – the Russian idea of the 21st century – a geocultural, geohistorical and geopolitical mix
Author(s): Cristian ChircaSubject(s): Recent History (1900 till today), International relations/trade, Geopolitics, Peace and Conflict Studies
Published by: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti
Keywords: Russian idea; post-imperium; (geo) cultural; political; geographical mix; eurasianism; panslavism; messianism; Eurasia;
Summary/Abstract: The idea of Post-imperium, though less theoretically explained, actually translates the conduct of response of Russia to the new global challenges, after the imaginary trauma suffered by the collapse of the USSR, the last great imperial Russian construction. Post-imperium associates a strategy of recovering the imperial idea in a new context, in which the main weapons are of cultural and economic nature. It is not about neo-imperium, as it might be supposed, since the idea of a new imperialism is toxic. The idea of post-imperium is a natural follow-up of the idea of the Third Rome, in a predominantly cultural horizon and although at first sight, it seems to be an idea with economic fundamentals, it is primarily a cultural-religious idea, a form of messianism, in a new expression.
Journal: Romanoslavica
- Issue Year: LI/2015
- Issue No: 3
- Page Range: 83-94
- Page Count: 12
- Language: Romanian