A short history of the village of Niewiesz Cover Image

Szkice do dziejów wsi Niewiesz
A short history of the village of Niewiesz

Author(s): Jarosław Stulczewski
Subject(s): History, Local History / Microhistory, Recent History (1900 till today)
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: Niewiesz; wieś szlachecka; Chebdanowie; Zakrzewscy; ziemia sieradzka; powiat poddębicki

Summary/Abstract: he origins of the village of Niewiesz date from the Middle Ages. The first mention in written sources is from 1357. Originally, it belonged to the Chebda family of the Pomian coat of arms. In the early 15th century a parish was established in this locality. At the end of the 18th century Niewiesz became the property of the Zakrzewski family of the Wyssogota coat of arms. In 1874 a new church was built there thanks to Józef Joachim Zakrzewski. The Zakrzewski family also contributed to the development of social and cultural life of Niewiesz. In 1903 a Voluntary Fire Brigade was set up in the village, in 1907 a school was opened, and in 1911 a Savings and Loan Society started its a activity. During the January uprising a fight between the insurgent and Russian troops took place in Niewiesz. After the defeat of the uprising the commune of Niewiesz was established with the seat of municipal authorities in Dominikowice, to be moved back to Niewiesz in the interwar period. During WWII, as a result of heavy fights, the church, the municipality building, the school and the manor-house were destroyed. In the years 1945–1954 Niewiesz was again a commune, in the period 1954–1972 it was the seat of the District People’s Council, and in 1973–1976 its commune status was restored. In 1977 it lost its administrative function. Today it belongs to the municipality of Poddębice.

  • Issue Year: 2021
  • Issue No: 10
  • Page Range: 221-248
  • Page Count: 27
  • Language: Polish