Netizens Alliance over the cup of Milk Tea - Thailand, Taiwan and Hong Kong supporting each other’s democracy quest Cover Image

Netizens Alliance over the cup of Milk Tea - Thailand, Taiwan and Hong Kong supporting each other’s democracy quest
Netizens Alliance over the cup of Milk Tea - Thailand, Taiwan and Hong Kong supporting each other’s democracy quest

Author(s): Gabriela Bernal
Subject(s): Politics, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Governance, Government/Political systems, International relations/trade
Published by: Mednarodni inštitut za bližnjevzhodne in balkanske študije IFIMES
Keywords: political systems; democracy; Thailand; Taiwan; Hong Kong; alliance; human rights;
Summary/Abstract: Although Hong Kong has been the main face of democracy movements in Asia over the past few years, it is not alone in its fight for political reform and fair rights. Together with Hong Kong stand its fellow Asian partners Taiwan and Thailand; both also engaging in a battle to ensure democracy not only survives, but thrives. The link between the three has reached new heights recently under a new name: the Milk Tea Alliance. The name represents a shared passion for sweet tea drinks in Thailand, Hong Kong and Taiwan. The hashtag #MilkTeaAlliance first became popular in April but the simple hashtag has now grown into a much bigger movement uniting like-minded political activists in Asia. Although the name might sound cute, the message is clear and serious: Those in power will not be allowed to overrule the will of the people and continue committing gross human rights abuses and abusing political authority.

  • Page Count: 5
  • Publication Year: 2020
  • Language: English