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Extract from the issue 1/1938 of the journal Znanost i život
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Extract from the issue 1/1938 of the journal Znanost i život
U borbi za razvijanje socijalističkih samoupravnih društvenih odnosa u procesu stvaranja društva slobodnog rada, ukidanja ostataka klasnog društva i svih oblika potčinjavanja i otuđenosti čovjeka, SKJ se, u razdoblju između 12. i 13. kongresa, suočio u mnogo čemu s novom društvenom situacijom i novim izazovima, nastalim prije svega ekonomskom krizom i proturječnostima društvenog razvoja što ih ona nosi. Rezultati postignuti u prevladavanju proturječnosti u materijalnoj osnovi i strukturi društva, u svijesti radnih ljudi i njihovih organiziranih socijalističkih snaga - pa i u SK, iako nedovoljni, pokazuju da imamo dovoljno snage, znanja i iskustva da brže unapređujemo samoupravljanje. Tražeći pouzdane odgovore za svladavanje nagomilanih teškoća izraženih u ekonomskoj krizi s ozbiljnim socijalnim, idejnim i političkim posljedicama, došli smo do dubljih spoznaja o zakonitostima i proturječnostima samoupravnog razvoja, o snagama koje ga nose, o interesima što ih one zastupaju. Na toj osnovi rješavali smo i riješili mnoge probleme.
Ostvarivanje trajnih zajedničkih ciljeva i interesa društvenog i ekonomskog razvoja naše zemlje, svladavanje golemih teškoća u razvoju i izlazak iz ekonomske krize, daljnja izgradnja i jačanje socijalističkog samoupravljanja, dinamičan i skladniji društveno-ekonomski razvoj, brže uključivanje u međunarodnu podjelu rada, učvršćivanje ekonomskog jedinstva zemlje i stalno unapređivanje uvjeta života i rada radničke klase, radnih ljudi i građana zahtijevaju odgovarajuće promjene u sistemu društveno-ekonomskih i političkih odnosa i razvojnoj i ekonomskoj politici i djelovanju Saveza komunista i svih drugih subjektivnih samoupravnih socijalističkih snaga.
Bratislav Ivanov's new book is dedicated to the values and traditions of the Japanese culture. Already in the early twentieth century, French scientist Henry Dumolard draws attention to the fact that the Japanese people are guided by their logic and draw conclusions that are often incomprehensible to Europeans. To understand the Japanese people, we need to know the values that form the core of their culture. A key to their understanding is the geographical environment, mythology, religion, and Japan's history.
This book is the result of a two-year journalistic investigation that traces the history of Corporate Commercial Bank from its origin to its bankruptcy (1994-2014). The investigation was conducted on the basis of dozens of meetings with direct participants or witnesses of the events, representatives of state structures, political parties, business, regulators. In the process, hundreds of official and informal documents have been analyzed. Access to information by Bulgarian and international organizations has been requested many times. The collected facts, data, documents, and exclusive testimonies included in this book contain for the first time conclusive evidence of political corruption in Bulgaria. The aim of the KTBfiles project is to show the genesis of the "CCB model" (Corporate Commercial Bank model) and the technology of its expansion to magnitude, which pressed all key state institutions to the wall. The book explores the circumstances that made this vicious model possible, as well as the mechanisms for its eradication. This makes the investigation much more comprehensive, multi-layered and important than the chronology of bank bankruptcy, whether it is the largest in Bulgarian history. This qualitative journalistic investigation answers not only to the question #WHO but also to the questions how, why and especially what follows if we stop asking and live permanently with civil indifference and cynicism.
„The Prince” was written by Niccolo' Machiavelli in the 1500s. It has continued to be a best seller in many languages. The Prince is a classic book that explores the attainment, maintenance, and utilization of political power in the western world. Machiavelli wrote The Prince to demonstrate his skill in the art of the state, presenting advice on how a prince might acquire and hold power. Machiavelli defended the notion of rule by force rather than by law. Accordingly, The Prince seems to rationalize a number of actions done solely to perpetuate power. It is an examination of power-its attainment, development, and successful use.
Evliya Celebi was an enlightened man in a variety of ways who believed in equality, freedom of thought and intellectual debate, and found all of these things present in Islamic societies. Over the course of his travels, he wrote ten volumes detailing his adventures. ‘Seyahatname’ – Book of Travels – is a unique and important text, representing one of the few accounts of the 17th century and the Ottoman world from the perspective of a Muslim. These are not just factual accounts, Evliya had a great imagination and just as important as his journal entries were the imaginative storytelling that ran alongside, elaborating, exaggerating, and fantasizing. Through his stories, we are prompted to think more imaginatively about our own travels and journeys to other cities. This 17th-century Muslim traveler can sometimes seem narrow-minded and yet this same man can stand in St Stephens Cathedral in Vienna and be moved by the music he hears. Sometimes these encounters lead to nothing but sometimes they lead to stories which are so deeply felt, and so universally melodic that they leave echoes which can still be heard and felt today. In 2011, the year which would have been his 400th birthday, Evliya is being paid homage as UNESCO’s Man of the Year.
У Крагујевцу 22. Јануара; ПИТАЊА; Како се подиже пољоделство; Са велике школе; ДОПИСИ; Београд, 18. Јануар; У Књажевцу, 11. 1874. год.; Копривница, 15. Јануара; Јавна благодарност; Јавна коресподенција; Књижевни Огласи; ОГЛАСИ;
Крагујевац 10. Фебруара; Са велике школе; Из записника Небојше; Народној скупштини: Штудије о стању пољске привреде у Србији; Предлог за нов грађански поступак у округу (кантону) циришком; Спољна политика немачка; ДОПИСИ; Крагујевачка новост; Мојим ђацима у крагујевачкој гимназији; Књижевна вест; ОГЛАСИ; ФАБРИКА ШЕШИРА КОД ЗЛАТНОГ ЧИЛИНДЕРА на бившој Стамбол-капији;
Слободна штампа и народна скупштина; Штудије о стању пољске привреде у Србији; ДОПИСИ; Јевропска дипломација и афера босанска; Београд 27. Фебруара; Баградан 15. Фебруара; РАЗЛИЧНОСТИ; ОГЛАСИ; На знање;
Крагујевац, 7. Марта; Штудије о стању пољске привреде у Србији; Најновији научни предлог; ДОПИСИ; Јевропска дипломација и афера босанска; РАЗЛИЧНОСТИ; Уредништву ''Јавности''; ПРИПОСЛАНО; ОГЛАСИ; На знање;
Штудије о стању пољске привреде у Србији; Земљедерско-шумарска школа у Пожаревцу; ДОПИСИ; Београд 28. Фебурара; Јагодина 6. Марта; Пожаревац 24. Фебурара; РАЗЛИЧНОСТИ; ОГЛАСИ; На знање;
''Завере око ''Јавности'' ''; Спаситељ друштвеног поретка; Штудије о стању пољске привреде у Србији; Земљеделско-шумарска школа у Пожаревцу; ДОПИСИ; Опет спаситељ друштвеног поретка; Јавна благодарност; Ценовник; Књижевни Оглас; ОГЛАСИ;
U ranu jesen, na ulicama Kikinde počinju da se pojavljuju plakati okačeni na bandere: „Pažnja! U blizini živi Mihalj Kertes, pljačkaš i saradnik ratnih zločinaca“; i: „Oprez! Zlikovac na slobodi“. U početku malo ko obraća pažnju na upozorenja izvučena na jeftinom štampaču. Kiša natapa papir, slova se razlivaju i ubrzo postaju nečitka. Ipak, preko noći se pojavljuju novi plakati, ovog puta napravljeni u vidu oznaka za radove na putu: „Na 500 metara od vas živi nekažnjeni otimač“; „Sada ste na sto metara od opasnog kriminalca“. Sutradan u predvečerje, istim ulicama prolazi grupa od stotinak ljudi sa sličnim transparentima i plakatima na kojima su uveličane fotografije Kertesa iz devedesetih i citati njegovih izjava. Kolona se zaustavlja kod Kertesove adrese i jedan od demonstranata počinje da govori u megafon...
Ove nedelje obeleženo je 66 godina od početka proizvodnje legendarnog fiće, zvaničnog naziva Fiat 600, koja je u pogonu Stara prikolica nekadašnjeg Vojnotehničkog zavoda u Kragujevcu (nakon 2. svetskog rata preimenovanog u Zavode Crvena zastava) startovala 18. oktobra daleke 1955. Prethodno je, 1954. kupljena licenca od Fijata, čemu je 1953. prethodilo izjašnjavanje radnika kragujevačkih Zavoda o početku proizvodnje putničkih vozila u Kragujevcu.
Prikaz knjige E.P. Thompsona „Pruga. Avantura izgradnje“ iz 1948, u prevodu Slobodanke Glišić, koja sadrži svedočenja članova britanske radne brigade koja je gradila prugu Šamac-Sarajevo. Tekst je objavljen u zborniku radova o ovoj knjizi, pod naslovom „Duh pruge“. Knjigu i zbornik je u jednim koricama 2020. objavila Fabrika knjiga.
The year 2015 was the third consecutive year when the area of support of external economic relations of the Czech Republic (VEV) belonged to fairly peaceful parts of Czech foreign policy. This situation was facilitated, without a doubt, by stabilization of the institutional and programme base, which started already during Rusnok’s care-taker government and it was then supported by Sobotka’s government. At the same time, further increasing of activities of key state institutions as well as efforts for greater co-ordination of their activities were reflected in it. Despite some unfavorable tendencies in the international environment, Czech export did well too. The in-flux of direct foreign investments was also satisfactory.