Školstvo na albanskom jeziku na Kosovu i jugu Srbije (1945-2015)
Purpose of this paper is to provide historical overview of the development of school system in Albanian language from 1945 to 2015 in Kosovo and South of Serbia, in municipalities of Presheva, Bujanovac and Medvedja. After the Second World War and establishment of socialist socio-economic relations, historical injustice against the Albanian people who did not have the right for education in their mother tongue during the Kingdom of Serbs Croats and Slovenians has been corrected. Year after year, despite numerous problems, education in Albanian language was spread systematically in primary and secondary education system while in 1960 foundations for university studies were laid down. Development in school system in Albanian language in Kosovo at all levels by 1990, despite ideological and political constraints, has had tangible results in the education of many generations of Albanians. After 1999 Kosovo has developed an independent education system while Albanians from South of Serbia partially exercise the right to treat some of topics that relate to their nation.