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Prošlo je više od godinu dana kako knjiga Zabilježene. Žene i javni život Bosne i Hercegovine u 20. vijeku živi i kako se glas o njoj pronosi. Brojne osobe, koje su direktno ili indirektno povezane sa knjigom su nam se javljale – hvaleći naš rad, šireći glas o njemu, dobronamjerno ga kritikujući, ukazujući na neke činjenične greške ili sugerišući argumentovano neke izmjene. U međuvremenu smo i same dolazile do novih podataka i dopisivale ih u knjigu. Pred vama je, dakle, dopunjeno izdanje u kojem su ispravljene greške na koje nam je bila skrenuta pažnja i koje je dopunjeno ponegdje novim saznanjima. U ovom procesu posebno spominjanje zaslužuju i autorice pojedinih poglavlja, kao i Jadranka Miličević.
Dehelsinkizacija gospođe Biserko - Dragoljub Žarković Udarac u donji stomak - Vera Ranković Moj odgovor njima - Velimir Ćurgus Kazimir Žive mete - Latinka Perović Ama sam Srbin, dakle kriv - Karlo Danilović Zamerke zbog kršenja ljudskih prava SS-ovaca - Dr Milan M. Ćirković Iskrivljivanje događaja ih haške sudnice - Bogdan Ivanišević Neprijatelj u Srbiji - otvorenost, snaga i integritet nekoliko žena - Nataša Kandić Neprijatelji nezavisnih medija? - Svetlana Slapšak Tužilačka revnost - Stojan Cerović Pravo na treće mišljenje – Ljubiša Rajić Činjenice i trezvenost - Ljiljana Smajlović S puno žara i na brzinu - Nenad Lj. Stefanović Komunistički trag - Vladimir Ilić Kapitulacija pred zločinom - Srđa Popović Bombardovanje za naše dobro - Miroslav Višić Otrovna značenja - Lazar Stojanović Podmazivanje razgovora - Branko Vučićević Srbi, Nemci i Holanđani - Miloš Bobić Pismo pod bombama - Nadežda Radović Plamsaju prve vatrice - Bogdan Bogdanović "Volterova kopilad" i Katarinina krzna - Frano Cetinić Tvrdoglava Selektivnost - Stojan Cerović Malo o ljudskom dignitetu - Srđa Popović Svesni i nesvesni - Ljiljana Smajlović Svedoci I izveštavanje - Bogdan Ivanišević Teoretičari zavere - Jon Kvaerne A šta su radili drugi? - Srđa Popović Umorni od jada - Gordana Radošević Dupli standardi - Nenad Lj. Stefanović Zatvor Srbija - Miloš Bobić Legitimno osporavanje - Dr Živojin Dacić 2084. – Dejan Vukelić Babe i tiha revolucija - Svetislav Basara Biciklisti nisu krivi - Stojan Cerović ...
The research paradigm is focused on the following problems: the visual image in the humanitaristics and its postmodern projections; the correlation image-text in the humanitarian field; visual communication and visual media; virtual academic communication and visual representation practices; the visual educational messages and the attitudes of the audience; narration and presentation.
This article is based on an analysis conducted by the questioning of students to identify the quality of the student's self-education in the performance of tasks and determining their attitude to the organization of independent work. There were 60 students in the survey. We proceeded from the fact that the educational process is focused on the formation of student readiness for independent work. Therefore, the management of the performance of the students’ tasks in groups on the educational platform Moodle and conducting selfmonitoring and self-assessment according to the criteria provided by the teacher is an actual problem in the context of an effective organization and management of independent work through information and communication technologies, such as Web quest. This technology contribute to the formation of intercultural communicative and linguocultural competences of trainees capable for independently and creatively operate at any convenient time and place to monitor and evaluate their actions.
This dissertation focuses on identifying the nature of the future world in respect to the advent of extended number of refugees. Refugee migration and crisis in outside the original countries owing to a deluge of refugees is an important phenomenon happening throughout the world currently. With the case study analysis of current refugee migration events in Asia, Middle East, Africa and the Americas, the paper tries to find out the future nature of the smallest unit of analysis for a long time – nation state. All features of economic, religious, ethnicand cultural aspects taking into account, the core argument centers around whether the influx of refugees into outer or neighbor countries is increasing the possibilityof ethnic conflict through out the world making the future world a world full offeuds and conflicts. The dissertation also tries to find out the true aspects of Samuel Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations theory and if the theory is going to be signifiedin a future world full of feuds and conflicts. With historical and contemporary analysis of the various cases of refugee influx, the paper also tries to measure the economic consequences of refugee migration and influx. Do globalization and liberal economies tend to survive or does the refugee influx prevent cooperation among ethnicities and states? The dissertation also attempts to find out whether refugee crisis would instigate ethnic nationalism and if the neoliberal world order would fall apart owing to the problems originated by huge refugee influx and migration.
During and after World War II, Slovakia underwent massive political, economic, social and state constitutional changes. Being the part of the international events of the “hot” and Cold War, it had been brand marked by the two nondemocratic, totalitarian regimes – fascist and communist. After the Slovak Republic, which was in 1939 – 1945 a satellite state of the Nazi Germany, Slovakia became a part of the reconstructed Czechoslovak Republic with its specific system of “the limited democracy”. The communist coup d’état in February 1948 had brought the country under the rule of another totalitarian regime, spreading from Moscow to all states of the Soviet block. Though, the Czechoslovak society in 1968 tried to reform the communist system, it was unsuccessful in the same way as some other Soviet block countries, which also attempted to disengage the chains of the Soviet imposed regime.
The book Rok 1968 Eto vaše delo is based on lecture cycle, organised by the Slovak Institute in Prague in cooperation with the Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and Institute for Contemporary History of the ASCR. The aim of this lecture cycle was to remember about the 40th anniversary of the reform process in Czechoslovakia in 1968. The lectures presented by Slovak historians, were extended and collected as papers, that are part of this book. The aim of the particular papers is to analyse the main aspects of the reforms, further their ideological roots, as well as their political, social and economic casualties. The authors intended to reflect the immanent development of the autonomous reform process in Czechoslovakia, taking into account both political, constitutional, national-political, socioeconomic, cultural and confessional issues.