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The Polish exegesis of Mircea Eliade's work has grown after 1989 through monographs and studies devoted entirely to hermeneutics that the historian and phenomenologist of religions imposes on the sciences dealing with the study of sacredness, of religious phenomena and related symbolism. The book Man in the Symbol World. Philosophical Anthropology of Mircea Eliade by Artur Rega is among them.
Bulgarian modernism, edited by Stefana Roussenova, translated by Julia Stefanova and Stefana Roussenova, Polis, Sofia, 2017. Authors: Svetlozar Igov, Madeleine Danova, Svetlana Stoicheva, Bilyana Borisova, Magdalena Panayotova, Dina Mantcheva, Elizaria Ruskova, Giuseppe del’ Agata, Vladimir Yanev, Julia Stefanova, Chavdar Mutafov, Juliana Alexieva. Appendix: poetry by Pencho Slaveikov, Peyo Yavorov, Dimcho Debelyanov, Geo Milev, Nikola Vaptsarov, Atanas Dalchev.
Сomptes rendus: Dina Mantcheva. La Dramaturgie symboliste de l’Ouest à l’Esteuropéen. L’Harmattan, 2013. [Дина Манчева. Символистичната драматургия от Запада до Изтока на Европа / Symbolist drama from Western to Eastern Europe]
За книгата: Милена Кирова. Героичното тяло. История и мъжественост в Еврейската Библия. Кн. 2. София, ИК „Кибеа“, 2017. [Kirova, Milena. The Heroic Body. History and Masculinity in the Hebrew Bible. Part 2. Kibea Publishing house, Sofia, 2017.]
A propos de l’ouvrage de : Stoyan Atanassov De la littérature à la vie. Moyen âge, Temps modernes. Sofia, Colibri, 2016. [От литературата към живота. Средновековие, Ново време./ From Literature to Life. Middle Ages, Early Modern Period]
“The Janissaries”. Entangled Histories in the Ottoman Context of the 19th Century by Nadezhda Alexandrova