Eszmék, forradalmak, háborúk. Vadász Sándor 80 éves
Sándor Vadász was 80 years old in 2010. His colleagues greeted him with studies. At the end of the volume there is an interview with professor Vadász about his life.
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Sándor Vadász was 80 years old in 2010. His colleagues greeted him with studies. At the end of the volume there is an interview with professor Vadász about his life.
The 𝑇𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑜𝑣𝑜 𝐿𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑟𝑦 𝑆𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑙 collections contain reports from the recurrent international symposium “Tarnovo Literary School”, which is the oldest and most respected forum on Old Bulgarian studies in Bulgaria and worldwide. It was held for the first time in 1971 under the auspices of UNESCO, and the first collection of articles came out in 1976. The𝑇𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑜𝑣𝑜 𝐿𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑟𝑦 𝑆𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑙 collections are among the most cited editions in the fields of Old Bulgarian studies and research into medieval Bulgarian spiritual and material culture from its pre-Tarnovo and Tarnovo periods, as well as on the cultural and literary ties between Byzantium, Bulgaria, and the Eastern Orthodox Slavic world. The main purpose of 𝑇𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑜𝑣𝑜 𝐿𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑟𝑦 𝑆𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑙 is to publish scholarly articles by Bulgarian and foreign researchers in the field of interdisciplinary medieval studies in order to explore the cultural and historical heritage of the Second Bulgarian Empire.
The paper analyzes the role of heritage of the Tarnovo Literary School in the preservation of historical memory of Bulgarians about their distant past of the period of the First Bulgarian Kingdom during the 15th – 16th centuries. The investigation shows that due to the heritage of the Tarnovo Literary School and connection with Slavonic Orthodox tradition the historical memory about St. Ivan of Rila and SS. Cyril and Methodius preserved.
Nobility from the territory of modern Slavonia played a significant role in wars against the Ottomans. As this essay will show, much of their activity was related to Banate of Jajce. Slavonian nobles, with their military units, fought in this area as well as occupied important offices related to the defence of Banate. Thus Franjo Berislavić Grabarski is referred to as Ban of Jajce in 1494 and 1499-1503, while his cousin Ivan held the same office 1511-1513. Another form of contribution to the defence of Jajce by Slavonian nobles was the fortification of towns and building of roads, as well as financial support to the expenses of wars and resistance to the Ottoman attack. This essay also draws the attention to other ways in which Slavonia participated in raising funds for the defence of Bosnia. For instance, around the turn of the sixteenth century bans of Jajce had the income of the abbey in Bijela at their disposal.
The Blagaj castle is situated near the mouth of the River Japra into the River Sana, close to the most important medieval road through the valley of the River Una and leading from the Eastern Adriatic coast to the Pannonian basin. During the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, the castle of Blagaj was the residence of Counts of Blagaj, the descendants of the earlier Babonić counts. While the collapse of the medieval Kingdom of Bosnia in 1463 foreshadowed Ottoman raids into the Sana valley, it was the foundation of Banate of Jajce that put an end to Ottoman raids for a couple of decades. Nevertheless, historical documents sporadically indicate constant threat of Ottoman raids around the turn of the sixteenth century. This is even more clearly depicted by the remains of the castle of Blagaj that show abundant construction work conducted during the anti-Ottoman defensive wars. In this essay, the author contextualizes the known information about the Ottoman attacks in the Sana valley and the importance and the role of the Blagaj castle in the anti-Ottoman defence system of the castles. Although these buildings are today in poor condition, the ruins of the Blagaj castle indicate a major extension of the castle’s fortification system built after 1503, and the beginning of the deconstruction of the defensive system of Banate of Jajce. A special attention is given to the establishnig of the final Christian (i.e. Croatian) desertion of the Blagaj castle during the 1540s.
The late medieval Pannonian territory along the borders of the Austrian lands as well as the Moravian and the Hungarian regions embraced a number of towns with different internal power and property structures. This paper investigates on a macro-level the closely interwoven dynamics between the authorities in urban spaces and their changing impact on property systems through examining the thirteenth- and seventeenth–century transformation of ownership relations in six neighbouring Austrian (Wiener Neustadt and Linz), Moravian (Olomouc and Jihlava) and Hungarian (Trnava and Sopron) towns. According to general master narratives, the (quasi-)independent towns in this region gradually lost their dominantly civic character and became – both in legal and spatial sense – realms of secular and ecclesiastical landlords. Challenging these concepts, this macro-analysis intends to show the much more complex and diverse phenomena produced by the conflicts of civic communities, territorial (secular and/or ecclesiastical) landlords and the nobility. Through a comparative spatial approach the presentation of ownership changes is to highlight the interplay between structures of power and property and to provide a better understanding of urban continuity and change in pre-modern western Pannonia.
Die deutschen Entlehnungen in der albanischen Sprache sind einer der wichtigsten Belege deutsch-albanischer Kulturbeziehungen von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart. Hier werden nur die wichtigsten historischen Berührungspunkte seit dem Mittelalter kurz erwähnt.
Punimi bazohet në zbërthimin e materialit origjinal nga Arkivi Shtetëror në Venedik (dokumente testamentare, kadastra, regjistra të bashkisë për shoqata artizanale dhe tregtare, shkrime të Zyrës për Arsenalin, e të tjera) dhe Arkivi i Vëllazërisë Shën Gjergji dhe Trifoni në Venedik (libra nga takime vjetore të vëllazërisë), si dhe në ekzaminimin e njohurive ekzistuese të historiografisë.
Albanski je narod tijekom svoje teške i zanimljive povijesti često bio prisiljavan na iselja vanje iz domovine. Sve su se te grupe iseljenika tijekom vremena stopile sa sredi-nom u koju su došle. Njihove obiteljske tradicije, narodna nošnja, običaji i govor ostat će još dugo svjedocima njihova albanskoga podrijetla. Tako Albanci od 1437. do 1744. emigriraju u Italiju. Godine 1690. jedna grupa seli se u Mađarsku. Nadbiskup Zmaje-vić od 1723. do 1727. naseljava Albancima mjesto Arbanase kod Zadra (Šufflay). Jaku albansku koloniju nalazimo i u Bugarskoj, u Čiprovcu, Kopilovcu i Železnoj. Crkveni dokumenti iz 1640. kažu da oni još govore albanski, premda su već odavno prispjeli ovamo (sono venuti abantiquisd’Albania). Imaju i svoje albanske svećenike franjevce, među kojima prednjači Cabashi fra Nicolaus, kojega drugi dokumenti zovu fra Nicolo-Albanese (Fermendžin).