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Autor podaje definicję relacji wewnętrznych w organizacji oraz wyjaśnia ich usytuowanie i cele. Przedstawia różne klasyfikacje narzędzi relacji wewnętrznych. Poświęca też nieco uwagi kulturze organizacyjnej i jej typom.
Autor skupia się na podmiocie, wokół którego kreuje się komunikację. Przedstawia genezę i specyfikę osobistego PR-u, jego psychologiczne aspekty, takie jak instynkty i reguły wpływu społecznego. Objaśnia też pojęcie i sposób powstawania obrazu siebie, jego cechy oraz możliwości sterowania nim.
The professional communication nowadays is the basis for successful connection on professional and personal level. But the ability to understand and use non-verbal communication and body language is a powerful tool which helps in connecting with others in expressing what they really think. Experts in communication agree that when two people talk face to face, only a small part of the entire message which is shared contains the words they use. Most of the message is contained in the tone of voice, the accent, speed, volume and accidence. The use of non-verbal communication (silence) in writing, speaking and daily business communication is a routine in every culture, in each of the areas mentioned. A modern trend in modern companies worldwide is the usage and interpretation of non-verbal communication of their customers through marketing strategies with aim to improve their distribution and marketing in the world market but also the personal contact with their consumers. Understanding non-verbal communication and interpretation of silence in certain cultures and meeting them in person enhances their feeling of things, both in culture, business and literature.
The presented study deals with the research of job insecurity. Job insecurity is in this context defined as perceived threat that of job lose. Objective. The aim of the study is to analyze the current level of job insecurity in our conditions in the context of contradictory findings on the level of job insecurity in Slovakia. At the same time, the causes of job insecurity were investigated. Method. Following the findings on the incidence, intensity and context of job insecurity, research of the working population was conducted using an online panel on a sample of 1010 respondents, including 508 women and 502 men. Results. The results of the study indicate that the level of job insecurity is mainly due to the method of its measurement. Factors of job insecurity, along with traditional socio-demographic predictors at its level, were influenced by factors of organizational changes, competence, and individual's influence on work. Limits. The limit of the study as well as the results is the method of data collection only by Internet users.
Tato kapitola se nejprve věnuje komunikaci specificke pro prostředi školy: komunikaci mezi učiteli a jejich žaky. Pravě prostřednictvim zobrazeni komunikace ve vyuce literarni vychovy se nam totiž odkryje prostor, ktery komunikačni uspořadani otevira žakovskemu tvořivemu myšleni. V druhe časti teto kapitoly se pak pokusime přibližit, jakym způsobem lze v ramci komunikace, jež nabizi prostor pro žakovske tvořive myšleni, uplatnit postupy tvůrčiho psani a jakych vysledků lze jejich prostřednictvim dosahnout.
This chapter deals with a dialogue between teacher and pupil in the elementary school environment. The mutual relationship makes basic communication lines which fulfil the educational process. Both participants‘ actions create the given environment as well as the environment shapes and affects the participants. The text draws readers‘ attention to disharmonic aspects of the mutual communication, especially regarding school discipline. There is important to focus on barriers which are related to the figure of the teacher. The personal attitude of the teacher and his prejudice against the pupils‘ risk behaviour are in particular considered one of the possible barriers. The main aim of the text was to carry out the research related to the topic of teacher-student dialogue in the available literature and point to information resources for further study.
The purpose of this chapter of the book is to explain the concept of emotion and the structures of emotions, which shape human behavior and thought. The importance of emotions in organizational life is discussed, along with how possible results can affect emotions. Afterwards, gratitude, which is a relatively new research topic in organizational behavior, is explained together with its antecedents and possible consequences. In order to enable organizations to achieve their goals more easily, it is important to promote such a feeling in organizational life. For this reason, this section also discusses gratitude programs, through which organizations can foster a sense of gratitude from a human resources perspective.
It is thought that it is important to consider social capital in terms of business organizations that play an important role in the economic system. In this study, social capital, which is a multidisciplinary concept, is discussed in terms of business organizations, and conceptual information is presented. The core thesis of social capital is that "relationships are important" and social networks are a valuable asset". Since it is very difficult to imitate and transfer the social capital that is formed through the relations between individuals, groups, and organizations, it can be said that it will give organizations a competitive advantage. In addition to the skills needed in business life, social networks and relationships are also important. As a result of the literature research, it is seen that social capital increases job satisfaction, organizational commitment, motivation, and job engagement. However, social capital has been determined to have benefits for individuals, societies, and countries, such as reducing the business concerns of young people, providing advantages for women entrepreneurs, preventing the spread of the virus during the COVID-19 period, increasing life satisfaction and quality of life, having a positive impact on the health status of individuals, and having positive effects on the economic development of countries. The benefits of social capital in terms of individuals, organizations, and countries reveal the importance of this concept. Increasing the studies on this subject can contribute to the literature and practitioners' knowledge, especially since the benefits it provides organizations give them a competitive advantage.
Organizations strive to overcome the challenges that arise at every step in order to compete successfully in today's globalizing business world. The ability of organizations to overcome these uncalculated challenges depends on their ability to use all their resources effectively and efficiently. Human resource is a valuable resource that enables the organization to achieve its goals by maximizing efficiency and productivity. In this context, the quality of the relationship between employees and the organization emerges as a very important issue for both parties. In this section, first of all, the concept of organizational support, which explains the relations between employees and the organization, and the characteristics of organizational support are discussed. Then, the Reciprocity Norm, Social Exchange Theory, Organizational Support Theory, Leader-Member Exchange Theory, and ERG Theory, which constitute the theoretical foundations of organizational support, are explained. Finally, the factors affecting organizational support (personality characteristics, demographic characteristics, organizational justice, supervisor support, human resources practices and job conditions) and the results of organizational support (organizational commitment, work engagement, organizational trust, organizational citizenship behavior, job performance, withdrawal behavior, job satisfaction and positive emotions, job stress) are discussed.
Favoritism is an unethical practice that is frequently encountered in institutions both in developed and developing countries. Organizational favoritism, on the other hand, is a general nomenclature given to the situation where a person or group is given privilege or advantage over others, even though it is not related to performance or competence. Favoritism can occur in different forms depending on the relationship between the individual or the organization that benefits from the favoritism. Regardless of their type, when considered at the organizational level, these privileges can cause usurpation of the rights of other employees, imbalance, injustice and unjustness among people; it can negatively affect the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization. In this context, the concept of favoritism has been first explained in the study; then, types of favoritism are discussed in two main groups as human favoritism and political favoritism. Although there are different classifications in the literature, human favoritism is handled as i- nepotism, ii- chronism, iii- tribalism and iv- compatriotism; political favoritism is handled i- patronage, ii- clientalism and iii- service favoritism within the scope of this study. Finally, the last 20 years' studies over the concept of favoritism are evaluated as content analysis, and the result obtained in the light of all these are evaluated in the study.
Power, in its simplest form, is defined as the ability to achieve goals, objectives and results by influencing others. In work life, where power is actively used, leaders or managers try to reach organizational goals by influencing their employees. However, when a leader or manager gains too much power and there is no mechanism to control the decisions taken under the influence of this power, they can harm the organization and society by using power in a bad way. The fact that a leader gains too much power brings with it a number of problems. One of these problems is the "Hubris Syndrome", which occurs due to the use of too much power, which pushes the leader to make decisions that will not listen to anyone as a result of power intoxication or power intoxication. Hubris Syndrome is an arrogance and power poisoning that can occur in all leaders and managers, from state managers to business managers. It is also seen as a danger that will affect societies, countries and businesses. Leaders or managers with Hubris Syndrome often abuse power, believing that they are better than everyone else, that they are absolutely infallible and invincible. Therefore, leaders acting in this syndrome bring with them some negative consequences such as irrational decision making, weak relationships, ineffective employees, and poor performance in the organization.
An increasing interest in the concept of time perspective, describing particular time horizons, is observed in organizational behaviour literature. Decision making in lives and careers of individuals is not only contingent upon what takes place in the present but also on how one feels about the past and one’s hopes for the future. However, when it comes to time perspective and career decision making, occupational psychology has focused particularly on future time perspective. A core construct in the socio-emotional selectivity theory, future time perspective refers to individuals’ perceptions of their remaining time and opportunity in life. Occupational future time perspective concept originates from research in the lifespan developmental literature on the future time perspective. Occupational future time perspective means that employees’ perceptions of their future in the employment context. Results of researches show that, in addition to its strong negative relationship with age, occupational future time perspective is also associated with other individual (e.g., personality traits) and contextual variables (e.g., job characteristics). Moreover, occupational future time perspective has been determined to mediate and moderate relationships of individual and contextual antecedents with occupational well-being, motivational and behavioural outcomes. This study investigated occupational future time perspective in work organizations. It is thought that the study will contribute to the organizational behaviour and human resources management knowledge base.
Queen Bee Syndrome is a concept that was first used in a study investigating women's emancipation in the 1970s. This concept, which takes its metaphorical root from the fact that the queen bee reigns in a beehive in nature and maintains her power for a long time, is used to explain the behavioral and psychological pressure that a woman in managerial position who is at the center of today's organizational behaviors exerts against other women who are her subordinates. The aim of this study, in which the conceptual background of the syndrome, queen bee behavior patterns, causes, dimensions, results, features and prominent researches on the subject are presented systematically, provides information for researchers who want to make detailed readings on the subject. In this context, a literature review has been conducted with the keyword queen bee syndrome, and a systematic conceptual study was created by collecting information from the secondary data obtained.
Businesses are operating in an intensely competitive environment today and they have begun to give importance to human resources rather than material resources in order to survive and to exist at the same time. Therefore, new applications have been started to be researched to use human resources more effectively and to improve working conditions or to reduce inefficient working elements. Presenteeism means that the employee has to go to work for different reasons, appear there but cannot work efficiently. In Turkish, this is explained by the phrase "let your friends see you in shopping", which means "to show off, to pretend to work". Presenteesim has also become one of the topics that have been started to be researched recently as an element that reduces productivity. Presenteeism is an important element that organizations have just realized. So, purpose of this chapter is to introduce the concept of presenteeism and to raise awareness against this negative work behavior.
The history of favoritism is a very old social, organizational and individual problem. This problem is still up to date as it was in the past. In fact, the negative effects of favoritism today are remarkable. In recent scientific studies, favoritism is shown as the source of some problems in business and social life. Nepotism and cronyism, which are the types of favoritism, are known to have some negative effects on the organization and the employees who are not favored. Nepotism and cronyism, which are related to favoritism, can reduce the level of job satisfaction and productivity of employees. Nepotism or favoring someone can reduce internal motivation and performance. Trust and image of the organization can be damaged due to nepotism in the organization. As a result of employees leaving the job, there may be an increase in the turnover. Organizational favoritism can affect other stakeholders of the society. The negativities caused by nepotism are reflected in the quality and quality of the work done by the employees and their relations with other people in social life. In addition, favoritism in employment, promotion and rewards is a frequently encountered situation. This reveals that the strategies and plans related to human resources within the organization are ignored. The quality of kinship and friendship relations is also important in organizational favoritism. Depending on the type of organization, some people have priority. Being a family member or friendship, peer-friend relationship level can be considered as a criterion for nepotism, especially when promoting and rewarding in family businesses. In such cases, it is known that the level of education, talent, experience and past achievements are not given much importance. Another basic type of favoritism other than organizational favoritism is political nepotism. If political favoritism is in question, it is possible to face employment discrimination and unfair rewards. By using the opportunities provided by the political status, the interests of some individuals and political groups can be protected and some benefits are provided to them. Although favoritism seems like a pleasant situation for the discriminated party, it is generally not welcomed by the society. It is possible to find injustice and/or inequality in all kinds of favoritism. Therefore, it is not possible to talk about justice and equality in environments where there is nepotism.
In this paper, the author aims to contribute in the answer to the question of how to include pupils in the classroom teaching process, that is, what are the determinants of their inclusion. The answers to these questions was gained in experimental ways. The experiment was made according to the existing curriculum in BiH. The work was done in 20 hours time, ten in mathematics, and ten in the subject of my environment. Significant results have been made of which these results are in the rise: (1) expectations of success, (2) challenge and (3) mastering the target orientation of students. Reduced results are: (1) a motivation and (2) student activities during classes. Why activities, during classes of the conditions in which the teacher was trying to get students to work independently are lessened, it remains to be answered in some future research.
Tato knížka je o pomáhajících profesích – zaměřuje se na určitou přidanou hodnotu, jíž profese dají vzniknout, když cíleně a promyšleně spolupracují. Pro označení tohoto jevu se ujal termín interprofesionalita. Lze také říci, že tato knížka je o interprofesionalitě a tedy o inteprofesní spolupráci. K danému fenoménu se pokouší přiblížit různými cestami…
In a business environment that is exposed to constant changes, companies face numerous challenges. One of the biggest challenges is managing the new workforce, namely Generation Y, also called Millennials (born between 1980 and 1994) and Generation Z (born between 1995 and 2010). The paper deals with the perception of Slovenian companies about generations Y and Z in the workplace, in order to find answers about the challenges that await them and to shape the work environment, putting younger employees in a better position to achieve organizational goals. The introduction discusses the expectations, values and behaviors of generation Y and generation Z in the workplace, and analyzes the best practices for managing them. Next, the results of interviews conducted with HR managers from some of the best Slovenian companies are presented. Research has shown that young people value the relational type of working relationship much more than the transactional type. For this reason, companies should invest more in relational aspects of work, such as communication, employee care, culture, recognition, respect and inclusion. Relational factors are more important for attracting and retaining young workers than transactional factors, such as salary. These factors require less direct financial investment and more personal engagement (time and energy) on the part of mentors, managers and human resources management. Also, the positive attitude of the best ranked companies towards young people ought to be emphasized, in contrast to the attitudes that can be found in the media and academic literature, where there are a significant number of negative stereotypes about young people.