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Hana Arent se ponekad smatra važnim izvorom ili nadahnućem savremene komunitarne političke misli. U tom shvatanju postoji izvesna mera istine, ali misliti o njenoj političkoj teoriji kao izrazito komunitarnoj više je nego pogrešno. Jer, ono što karakteriše komunitarizam kao filosofsko osporavanje liberalizma jeste njegovo naglašavanje toga kako se sopstvo konstituiše kroz kolektivni ili grupni identitet, kao i argument da nedovoljna pažnja prema snazi zajedničkih identiteta obeležava središnji nedostatak liberalno-individualističkih koncepcija političke zajednice.
The Karaites are one of the religious communities erased from the memory of Iraq. Today hardly anybody in Iraq remembers this centuries-old religious community rooted in the Abrahamic faith of Islam, Christianity and mainstream Judaism. Multiple marginalisations resulted in nobody ever telling the story of the last Karaites in Iraq. The isolated and rural community in the town of Hīt in Anbar did not have any intellectuals to document their history. Later, Karaite Jews became a minority among the rabbinic Jews in Israel and the Iraqi Karaites were even a tiny minority within the minority of the Karaites of Israel. Without anyone interested in their history, even the second generation in Israel did not think that the stories of their parents and grandparents would be worth recording and telling.