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Kao što je poznato, pismo Divkovićevih izdanja, tako i velikoga Nauka krstjanskoga (VNK), otisnutoga u Veneciji 1611. g, višestruko stoji na razmeđu: uzusa ustavne, minuskulne i brzopisne ćirilice, ali i između uzusa staroslavenske i zapadne (latiničke) grafi je i ortografi je, između oslanjanja na fonologiju onodobnih bosanskih govora i na naslijeđenu staroslavensku praksu itd. Isto tako, Divkovićev VNK stoji i na razmeđu povišenoga i pučkoga, između rukopisa i nove tehnologije, još uvijek između srednjega vijeka i novovjekovlja, doslovce na rubu zapadne i istočne Europe, u kontekstu između latinske i crk venoslavenske tradicije u koji se uglavljuje književnojezični izraz utemeljen na narodnome idiomu.
On 15 June 2013 the St. Thomas Church on the Moravian Square in Brno witnessed a large and solemn ceremony – a requiem for Zdeněk Rotrekl, a literary historian, critic, journalist and above all poet, a witness of truth, which in the “order of things” of the previous regime also meant a political prisoner. He died at the age of nearly ninety-three years – a doyen of not only Catholic poets, imprisoned by the communists right after seizing power at the end of the 1940s to intimidate the whole intellectual community. The remarkable terrestrial pilgrimage of a remarkable man ended at the St. Thomas Church in Brno – in the same place where Rotrekl was baptized in the early 1920s. His life story introduced the supernal order.
The U.S. poet Allen Ginsberg flew to Prague for the first time on 18 February 1965, from Cuba. Despite turning up in Czechoslovakia completely unplanned, he made a very deep impression.