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The text contains the proceedings of the conference Democratic Institutions and Human Rights in the Context of Bulgaria's Accession to the European Union, 19 June 1995.
The belated start of privatization made the realization of the government's privatization program for 1993 impossible. Merely 2 per cent of the designated enterprises will be sold by the end of the year. The work of the Privatization Agency on preparing the companies for privatization is slowed down by the fact that in a great many instances the legal state analysis indicates that the ownership of long-term assets is unestablished.
The brief "The Energy Sector of Bulgaria" is elaborated jointly by the Center for the Study of Democracy and the Atlantic Council of US. It presents the main challenges that the energy sector in Bulgaria faces. By virtue of its geography, Bulgaria finds itself in a difficult nexus, drawn into Eurasia’s contentious energy geopolitics and as a European Union member, involved in the Union’s fragmented energy policy and complex regulatory, energy efficiency and climate change objectives. That position is challenging, but it also presents decision-makers in Sofia with opportunities.
Extortion racketeering has long been pointed out as the defining activity of organised crime. It has also been identified as one of the most effective tools used by organised crime in the accumulation of financial resources and the penetration of the legal economy. Although in recent years this crime has not been among the top listed organised crime threats in the strategic EU policy documents, it still remains ever present in European countries. The seriousness of the phenomenon has been recognised at the EU level and the crime has been listed in a number of EU legal acts in the field of police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters.
Pred vama se nalazi publikacija koja je rezultat realizacije projekta Jačanje uloge profesionalnih udruženja u oblasti pravosuđa u Bosni i Hercegovini - JUP BiH. Projekat je podržala Vlada Velike Britanije, a realizovala ga je Asocijacija za demokratske inicijative (ADI) Sarajevo, tokom četrnaest mjeseci. Cilj projekta bio je jačanje profesionalnih udruženja u oblasti pravosuđa (udruženja sudija, tužilaca, advokata, notara i udruženje medijatora), kao organizacija civilnog društva, koje trebaju aktivnije učestvovati u procesima reforme pravosuđa i uključiti se u šire društvene trendove. Organizacija ADI Sarajevo, doprinijela je jačanju kapaciteta profesionalnih udruženja u oblastima pravde i pravosuđa tako što je, u sklopu ovog projekta, organizovala edukativne programe za predstavnike profesionalnih udruženja, ali i zajednički rad predstavnika u radnim grupama. Jedanaest bosanskohercegovačkih profesionalnih udruženja, koje djeluju u oblasti pravosuđa, delegirali su svog predstavnika/cu. Delegirani predstavnici/ce udruženja su činili fokalnu radnu grupu. Članovi/ce fokalne radne grupe pohađali/e su ciklus od četiri tematska treninga i imali/e su četiri radna sastanka na kojima su raspravljali o aktuelnim pitanjima u oblasti pravosuđa, i to radeći u tri tematske radne grupe, koje su se bavile pitanjima vezanim za sadržaj i implementaciju zakona o maloljetničkoj delinkvenciji, zakona o advokatima i notarima, te zakona o stečajnom postupku. Pravac pri realizaciji procesa izgradnje kapaciteta išao je od pojedinačnih članova/ca ka njihovim udruženjima i od profesionalizacije udruženja, kao organizacija civilnog društva, ka njihovoj zagovaračkoj ulozi na nivou praktične politike...
This is the third successive year in which the Balkan Human Rights Network (BHRN) prepared and published a unified report on the state of human rights in the region. All texts in this publication were prepared by authors who in each of the respective societies in the region have been consistently and persistently observing and analysing the state of human rights. They are esteemed theoreticians and activists in the field of human rights. It seems that this year the preparation and publishing of the report unfolded more smoothly and more efficiently. Among others, this is no doubt attributable also to the experience gained in previous similar activities. However, whether or not the state of human rights in countries covered by this report has also improved, and did their protection become more efficient, is for the readers to decide. We present you here just a short survey of themes contained in the presented national reports, with no intention to offer "binding instructions". Albania. - The report on the state of human rights in Albania is starting with a common judgment that, generally speaking, the government is respecting the human rights of its citizens. Nevertheless, it is noted that many institutions within the public administration are not sufficiently aware of their obligations regarding respect and protection of human rights. The authors claim that corruption, poverty, non-transparent procedures and an insufficiently developed independence of the judiciary represent major challenges facing the Albanian society. It is stressed that there is still a significant number of complaints regarding the conduct of the police, although there is certain progress in the field of procedural and substantive guaranties for a ban on abuse. Widespread child labour and exploitation of children are yet another problem noted in 2007. There was progress regarding protection of the right to education, but there are still relatively frequent examples in which this right was breached, particularly in cases of discrimination. The authors also conclude that for the time being the ombudsman remains the only institution directly assigned to promote and enhance the state of human rights. Bosnia and Herzegovina. - Authors of the report on the state of human rights in Bosnia-Herzegovina are stressing in this edition, too, the specific features of this state's constitutional arrangements and their influence upon the realization and violation of certain guaranteed rights and freedoms. The report is specifically pointing at the fact that, despite being very frequently an issue in all political and legal discussions in Bosnia-Herzegovina, the realization of the right to education and equal treatment within it has not yet produced adequate legal and substantive results. As regards access to law and justice, the report presents a survey of legal provisions and the real scope of the work of institutions dealing with the protection of human rights: the institution of the ombudsman and constitutional courts. Finally, the report paid special attention to the legal and physical situation of the discriminated and endangered groups, particularly disabled persons. Analyzed are the most important aspects of the situation related to members of this population regarding the realization of the right to work, the right to education, the right to adequate health care, social security and access to objects. Bulgaria. - The Bulgarian report starts from the fact that the year under review is also the first year of this country's full membership in the European Union. Mentioned are the basic challenges, which are important both for satisfying EU's standards and for adequate and efficient guarantees related to the respect of human rights. Among these issues particularly important are those related to suppression of corruption and of organized crime, the independence of the judiciary and the efficiency of state administration. The authors of the report hold the view that certain positive developments were achieved regarding demands for respect of provisions on equal pay for equal work, the realization of the right to go on strike in certain state institutions and sectors, and the increase of civil activism regarding environmental protection - the Ombudsman and the Commission for Protection from Discrimination. Macedonia. - According to the authors of the Macedonian report, the authorities in this state are generally respecting human rights, and the most important problems are the misuse of police competences, widespread corruption, trafficking in human beings and discrimination of ethnic minorities. In the last year Macedonia has made progress in fulfilling (political) the necessary criteria for associating with the European Union, and has entered a period of consolidation of institutions in the transition process. In 2007 there was a negligible decrease in complaints regarding violation of civil and political rights, particularly those allegedly performed by the police. On the other hand, the number of complaints regarding violation of the right to education is somewhat bigger than before, and mainly related to violation of certain rights in higher education. The report gives a detailed survey of the functioning of institutions which protect human rights, and presents the situation regarding the right to work of members of marginalized groups. Montenegro. - For the context in which human rights are implemented in Montenegro of substantial importance is the fact that during 2007 this state acquired full membership in the Council of Europe, and that in the same year the state signed the Stabilization and Association Agreement, and also got a new Constitution which implies full capacity of institutions of an independent state. However, the authors point out that the negative consequences of previous armed conflicts, and of the policies and legal instabilities which for many years were present in Montenegro, can still be felt and were not fully removed. Reminding of conclusions of institutions which follow the reform processes in Montenegro, it is stressed that major concerns are caused by a lack of genuine and efficient reform of the judiciary, by the fact that there are no efficient mechanisms for suppressing discrimination (particularly of Romas and displaced persons) and no punishment of torture, by inadequate protection of the right of access to information of public importance and by failures related to guarantees and the realization of the right of children. Serbia. - The state of human rights in Serbia were strongly influenced and frequently overshadowed by the turbulent political events. The National Assembly was inactive from October 2006 until mid-May 2007 which led to delays in the adoption of laws - the Assembly adopted only 70 or so laws by the end of 2007. Only about 20 of them were totally new and nearly all of them were merely fulfilling the formal obligations laid down in the Constitutional Act on the Implementation of the Constitution. The main problems hindering the effective enjoyment of this right lie in the absence of oversight over the implementation of the Act and in mere misdemeanour penalties for its violation. Tolerance of discrimination in practice is above all reflected in inefficient investigation, prosecution and punishment of its perpatrators and in the lack of systematic and comprehensive legislation.
The establishment of a single portal for e-procurement (www.ejn.gov.ba) in late 2014 is a good basis for the development of an efficient e-procurement system in BiH. However, so far, approximately one half of the functional modules needed for a completed system of electronic public procurement have been implemented, and important formal-legal preconditions, primarily bylaws from the Law on Electronic Signature and the Law on Public Procurement, are missing. Those bylaws would enable electronic submission and bid evaluation. All of this indicates the electronic procurement system is still in an early developmental phase. That is why it is crucial that all elements of an electronic public procurement system are established as soon as possible, because they can significantly contribute to the improvement of transparency, efficiency and cost-effectiveness in public procurement in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
After the Russian invasion on Ukraine, which begun on 24 February 2022, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and the Western Balkans region as a whole, once again became a focus of international attention. There is almost no relevant report or discussions at which Bosnia and Herzegovina is not identified as a location of possible conflict.After the Russian invasion on Ukraine, which begun on 24 February 2022, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and the Western Balkans region as a whole, once again became a focus of international attention. There is almost no relevant report or discussions at which Bosnia and Herzegovina is not identified as a location of possible conflict. For more than a decade the US administration has left Bosnia and Herzegovina in the care of the European Union (EU), which has more than evidently missed the historic opportunity to make important steps forward towards a prosperous BiH. Not just that such steps have not been made but the EU has created in BiH a situation identical to that in Ukraine in the eve of the Russian invasion. The sequence of moves by EU officials towards BiH indicates a high risk of corruption, just as in the case of the possible imposition of the BiH Election Law.
The foreign policy activity of the European Union is embedded in its founding values and common interests of its member states, which, as the Global Strategy for Foreign and Security Policy of the EU puts it, “go hand in hand.“1 The Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) rests on a consensus reached after an extensive harmonization of positions and coordination, making the EU foreign policy decisions the smallest common denominator of member states’ foreign policies, i.e. the core of common interests. Because of that, the Union and its member states find it difficult to accept when partner states, or those striving to achieve EU membership, do not heed the reasons which led to making certain decisions, i.e. avoid to align with them.
ISAC presents its fourth yearly analysis of Serbia’s compliance with EU foreign policy declarations and measures in 2017. This analysis offers a brief overview of all EU Foreign Policy Declarations and explains Serbia’s foreign policy in terms of Chapter 31 and Serbia’s alignment with the CFSP.
The semi-annual report of Serbia’s alignment with the EU foreign policy declarations for the period from January to July 2018. The report consists of a brief analysis and tabulation of Serbia’s alignment with the EU foreign policy declarations and measures.
This is the seventh annual report that offers a brief overview of the EU’s foreign policy declarations during 2020 and tabulation of Serbia’s compliance with each of them. The analysis gives an explanation of such foreign policy of Serbia within Chapter 31, as well as the comparative overview of other state’s alignment during 2020.
A semi-annual report on Serbia’s harmonization with the EU’s foreign policy declarations and measures. The report contains a detailed analysis of Serbia’s alignment during the period January-June 2021, as well as a tabular presentation of the harmonization of other third countries in the same period.
An Analysis of Serbia’s alignment with the EU’s foreign policy declarations and measures in 2021. The Analysis contains a detailed examination of Serbia’s alignment during the period January-December 2021, as well as the comparative overview of other state’s alignment during the same period.
An Analysis of Serbia’s alignment with the EU’s foreign policy declarations and measures for period from January to July 2022. The Analysis provides an explanation of Serbia’s foreign policy within Chapter 31, as well as the comparative overview of other state’s alignment during this period
An Analysis of Serbia’s alignment with the EU’s foreign policy declarations and measures in 2022. The Analysis contains a detailed examination of Serbia’s alignment during the period January-December 2022, as well as the comparative overview of other state’s alignment during the same period.
An Analysis of Serbia’s alignment with the EU’s foreign policy declarations and measures for period from 1st January to 30th June 2023. The Analysis provides an explanation of Serbia’s foreign policy within Chapter 31, as well as the comparative overview of other state’s alignment during this period.
An Analysis of Serbia’s alignment with the EU’s foreign policy declarations and measures in 2023. The Analysis contains a detailed examination of Serbia’s alignment during the period January-December 2023, as well as the comparative overview of other state’s alignment during the same period.
An Analysis of Serbia’s alignment with the EU’s foreign policy declarations and measures for period from 1st January to 30th June 2024. The Analysis provides an explanation of Serbia’s foreign policy within Chapter 31, as well as the comparative overview of other state’s alignment during this period.