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In this chapter the focus is on the specific influence of the crisis on the Spanish economy. Authors examine the transformation of Spain's development from 'economic miracle' to chronic depression and catastrophic unemployment levels. They analyse the endogenous factors which compounded the crisis and, in particular, the effects of policy failure at EU level.
Author, building on the contributions of Messkoub and others, assesses the particular challenges of reversing the trend within European societies towards greater inequalities of income and wealth. Beyond the intellectual challenge of weakening the grip of disciplinary neoliberalism on both policy elites and many elements of European political culture, the trust of a progressive social agenda has to address the widening disparities of 'market incomes' as an issue of public policy, as well as the fiscal implications of a system of asymmetrical mutuality (Messkoub). Recent taxation policy has tolerated divergence among member state tax systems, encouraging both inter-state tax competition and weakening the fiscal potential for neutralising chronic social disparities. Reversing this trend and establishing sustainable and progressive systems of public goods and public finance is a critical precondition for the survival of the European project.
Sažeto rečeno, svrha kaznenih sankcija sastoji se od posebne i opće prevencije te od retribucije/kažnjavanja društva počinitelja kaznenih djela. U suvremenim pravnim porecima zapadnog tipa, težište se pomaknulo na preventivni element kaznenog sankcioniranja radi odvraćanja od činjenja budućih kaznenih djela i s težnjom resocijalizacije počinitelja, iako osuda i kazna ostaju sastavni dio izricanja kaznenih sankcija.
Đurđa Gmaz rođena je 1950. godine u Sisku. Suprug joj je bio jedan od suosnivača HDZ-a u tom gradu. Od 1991. radila je u MUP-u Hrvatske. Kada je počeo rat u njezinom kraju, s obitelji je ostala u selu koje se nalazilo na crti razdvajanja sa srpskom stranom. Dana 16. srpnja 1993. godine kćer Đurđe Gmaz, koja se kupala s dvadesetak druge djece na Kupi, ubijena je rafalnim mecima koji su došli s druge strane Kupe, gdje su se nalazile srpske snage. Sin joj je tom prilikom teško ozlijeđen. Aktivna je u Udruzi civilnih žrtava stradalnika Domovinskog rata i godinama se zauzima za ostvarivanje prava civilnih žrtava rata.
Nedostatak potpore državnih institucija, neprepoznavanje i nepriznavanje patnje žrtava seksualnog zlostavljanja u društvu te društvena stigmatizacija, često dovode do toga da same žrtve negiraju da su bile seksualno zlostavljane. U trenucima pisanja ove knjige, broj silovanih i seksualno zlostavljanih osoba na teritoriju Republike Hrvatske tijekom Domovinskog rata i dalje je nepoznat. Zabilježeno je 20-ak kaznenih predmeta za ratne zločine u kojima je dio inkriminacija bio vezan uza silovanje ili seksualno zlostavljanje. Prema navodima Državnog odvjetništva RH, Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova utvrdilo je da postoji sumnja da su tijekom Domovinskog rata nad 182 žrtve mogli biti počinjeni ratni zločini silovanjem ili drugim oblicima seksualnog zlostavljanja. Dodatnim provjerama utvrđeno je da su neke od potencijalnih žrtava u međuvremenu preminule, neke su državnim odvjetnicima izjavile da nad njima nije bilo počinjeno silovanje niti drugi oblik seksualnog zlostavljanja koje bi bilo moguće podvesti pod neko od obilježja kaznenog djela ratnog zločina počinjenog nečovječnim postupanjem, a neke od potencijalnih žrtava otklonile su svaku mogućnost davanja iskaza. Prema evidencijama nadležnih državnih odvjetništava, ratni zločin počinjen silovanjem sigurno je počinjen na štetu samo 57 žrtava, pretežno žena. Od toga su u odnosu na 36 žrtava pokrenuti kazneni postupci koji su u različitim stadijima. Zbog kaznenog djela ratnog zločina počinjenog silovanjem osuđeno je 15 počinitelja.
The new center of gravity of the world, the Indian Pacific region, is the subject of this article. “Free and Open Indian Pacific Policy”, adopted by the USA in 2017, is on the foreign policy agenda. By addressing the geopolitical, geoeconomics and geostrategic importance of the region, it will be explained why the USA has implemented this policy. The fact that the competition between China and the US in the global system can result in war is the subject of the article that the dual containment strategy applied to the Soviet Union during the Cold War period and it is a geopolitical area that has gained importance in the context of the alliance relations established with the countries in the region. The importance of the geographical area will be evaluated from the US perspective.
The study aims to analyze the reaction of legal systems to the convulsions in European society caused by the Covid-19 health crisis, the war in Ukraine and the revocation of abortion rights in the U.S. With a cross-cutting approach, the article seeks to leave in the reader's mind a non-exhaustive overview of the limits of his rights through the sometimes-disproportionate reactions of the state. Extraordinary events, however, they are not a novelty for humanity. The question therefore arises as to whether the "violence" of restrictive measures on fundamental human rights could be prevented. Then, by approaching a state of emergency as normal, have human rights undergone a transformation in their substance? From a subjective point of view, the study takes stock of the legal war waged by the international community against the armed war since the end of World War II. War sometimes waged in the name of human rights, through the belligerent events of Eastern Europe, proves to us that it is not over yet and new appropriate legal measures are required. What will be the legal consequences of these is another issue discussed in the article.
At present, when pandemic enters a new phase, the geopolitical confrontation between the adherents of unipolar and multipolar international security systems takes its new impetus. Besides the pandemic restrictions used widely as a tool of political pressure, the LGBT issue recently gained new importance. LGBTQ activists that announced pride in the Georgian capital have not taken to the main avenue of Tbilisi out of fears of violence. Instead,anti-LGBTQ groups' representatives used physical violence against media representatives because of their perceived pro-LGBTQ/Western stance. As it is known LGBTQ issue has become quite divisive not only in Georgia but in EU member countries. The present paper discusses developments in Georgia and the post-Soviet area as an example of a small proxy state of the former Soviet Union as an arena of struggle between the West and East on values shared by the most Western democracies.
It is well known that weapons of mass destruction and the possibility of using chemical, biological, radiological/nuclear substances called CBRN are a risk of the century we live in and a threat that some state and even non-state actors are very interested to bring to the attention of international public opinion. The effects of these substances have a particular impact on environmental factors (for example, air, water, soil) and consequently on the health of the population or, as the case may be, the military actors involved. Of particular interest to specialists in the field are, on the one hand, the possibility of obtaining or, where appropriate, developing devices to determine CBRN contamination and, on the other hand, response mechanisms to ensure credible protection of those who may be affected.The issue of CBRN protection, as defined according to the NATO Crisis Response Manual, conjunction with the requirements for resilience - the initial requirements through civil emergency response measures - including the preparedness and protection of the civilian population, critical infrastructure and vital resources against CBRN threats must be elements of national interest
Deeplearning is a branch of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) that focuses on training deep neural networks to learn and make decisions or make predictions. This technology is inspired by the structure and function of the human brain.Deeplearning models are made up of several layers of interconnected artificial neurons, called artificial neural networks. Each layer takes the output from the previous layer, processes it and sends it to the next layer. Layers close to the input are responsible for extracting lower-level features, while deeper layers learn higher-level representations or abstractions.One of the main advantages of deeplearning is its ability to automatically learn relevant features or representations from raw data, eliminating the need for manual engineering. This allows deeplearning models to excel in tasks such as image and speech recognition, natural language processing, recommender systems, and more.Training deeplearning models typically involves providing a large set of labeled data and using an algorithm called backpropagation to adjust connection weights between neurons, minimizing the difference between predicted and actual outputs. This process is computationally intensive and often requires significant computational resources such as specialized hardware (e.g., GPUs) or distributed computing systems.
Organized crime is a dynamic, cross-border, criminal phenomenon that requires the periodic development of strategies adapted to new trends to prevent and combat it. In this sense, the criminogenic factors, the methods and ways of committing the purpose crimes, the relevant legislation in force, the competence and performance of institutions specialized in combating crime, but also of social reaction to organized crime, must be taken into account.At the european level, the EU Strategy to combat organized crime 2021-2025 is applicable, being the first unitary strategy dedicated to organized crime; this derives from the EU Security Union Strategy. In Romania, the seat of the matter is Law no. 39/2003, national strategies and specific, multi-annual action plans being developed.Currency counterfeiting, as a manifestation of organized crime, is part of the scope of strategies of this type, which include a series of measures and actions to prevent and combat such a criminal phenomenon, which seriously affects the economy, the financial system of the European Union and the member states, but also the patrimony of the natural or legal person injured by receiving counterfeit currency.The SOCTA 2021 assessment by Europol mentions currency counterfeiting as the main area of activity of organized crime networks, being classified as a priority threat under the European Multidisciplinary Platform against Criminal Threats 2022-2025 (EMPACT 2022).
The author examines the juvenile delinquency, the act of participating in unlawful behavior as a minor or individual younger than the statutory age of majority. This explanation is accompanied by a thorugh analysis of the non-custodial measures which are regulated by article 115 of the New Criminal Code.Each measure is presented closely in order to have a better understanding of the role they have and the effects they direct on the minor.
The author analyses the legal content of the crime of rape, regulated by article 218 of the New Criminal Code, while an exam compared with other states and their law towards this matter.On this occasion, the author also presents some critical opinion and suggestions with a view on improving the society and the law itself.
The author examines general aspects regarding the crimes against life, aspects that are outlined by statistics and studies over the years. On this ocassion, the evolution of the Romanian Criminal Code is highlighted and compared to other states, such as France and Russia. The purpose of this study is to understand the importance of penal provisions in preserving the lives
Punishment has undergone fundamental transformations over time, probably more so than any other institution of criminal law. Many of the changes in society call into question some characteristics of punishment and even seem to require a rethinking of the entire sanctioning system. The way society reacts to the application of punishments has also gone through important transformations. Even if by law the public reaction does not have an immediate impact on the punishment, the legislator takes this aspect into account, with some limits imposed by the international regulations on human rights, but also by the specifics of criminal law, at least in terms of future legislative changes.
Counterfeiting is the intervention made on an authentic banknote to change its name (increase invalue). Counterfeiting is a complex activity in which the appropriate technical means are used to helpimitate the original banknote, until authenticity emerges. Given the methods of counterfeiting, it turns outthat only the banknote can be counterfeited, the currency can only be counterfeited.
The terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 on the United States and generated a significant increase in legislation on the fight against terrorism at national and European level. Given the seriousness of these offences, judicial cooperation between States is indispensable. In this context, both substantial and procedural instruments are taken into account to provide the necessary measures to prevent and combat terrorism. These include the European Arrest Warrant within the European Union. However, there are two major risks associated with this supposed fight against terrorism. These include the European Arrest Warrant within the European Union. However, there are two major risks associated with this supposed fight against terrorism. The first risk is the creation of a so-called „criminal security law” that could undermine the legal safeguards and fundamental rights of individuals. The second risk is the questionable violation of human rights by some of these procedural measures. In the field of judicial cooperation in criminal matters, judicial cooperation between Member States focuses mainly on the nature and characteristics of terrorism, an offence that does not respect territorial boundaries at all. The „criminal security law”, in the context of the war in Ukraine, has become, more than ever, a subject of great topicality.We will examine the provisions proposed by the draft EU Constitution on the material and procedural instruments used in the fight against terrorism in the field of judicial cooperation in criminal matters. In this context, we believe that it is crucial to adopt alternative instruments that protect citizens' civil liberties and human rights. Only in this way will fair and equitable judicial cooperation between the various Member States be possible.
The war in Ukraine has raised the issue of the Wagner Group with regard to humanitarian law. Under humanitarian law, members of the Wagner Group should protect and respect the rights of civilians and others who do not participate in the fight, provide medical aid and respect the rights of prisoners of war. Also, members of the group should not commit war crimes, such as the murder and torture of civilians or prisoners of war.If members of the Wagner Group violate the rules of humanitarian law, they can be held criminally liable and tried in accordance with international law. Also, states that engage members of the Wagner Group in the conflict in Ukraine can be held responsible for violations of human rights and humanitarian law.Members of the Wagner Group involved in the conflict in Ukraine should abide by the rules of humanitarian law and provide protection to civilians and others who do not participate in the fight. Violations of these rules may lead to criminal liability actions and trials in accordance with international law.
The organisational behaviour represents the way in which members of an organisation understand to adopt certain attitudes or modes of action in their relationship with the organisational environment, as individuals or as members of a group. The understanding of organisational behaviour as an essential variable of the organisation is directly dependent on the human component that forms the core of organisations, without which we could not conceive their existence. The study of organisational behavior is relevant for the deep understanding of the mechanisms that engage the entire organisational life. In the specialised literature, the organisational context is viewed as the influencing factor of human behaviour, and, therefore, as the variable that has a direct impact on the type of behaviour that is created at the organisational level. As a matter of fact, this study aims at highlighting those dimensions of the organisation that act as determinants of organisational behaviour.