Светове и прочити
"Worlds and Readings" is a collection of selected articles, studies, and critical texts written at different times and on various occasions but related to the invisible threads of a constant interest in art as a universe of images and meanings, forms and significations, an interest in the book as an autonomous world, in the author as a magnetic figure-embodiment of the mysterious act of creating worlds. Bilyana Borisova is a Doctor of Literature and a lecturer of history of Bulgarian literature after the Liberation at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski ". Her research is on the Bulgarian artistic avant-garde. She authored many articles and studies in the field of Bulgarian literary history and history of culture, many critical texts on works by contemporary Bulgarian authors. She is co-author of "Atlas of Bulgarian Literature 1878-1914" (2003) and "Atlas of Bulgarian Literature 1915-1944" (2005).