Słownik Etymologiczny Nazw Geograficznych Śląska, tom. 16 Wrzesień-Żyznów
"Glossary of Silesian Dialects" is the result of many years of scientific work of several generations of linguists from the Silesian Institute in Opole, Poland.
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"Glossary of Silesian Dialects" is the result of many years of scientific work of several generations of linguists from the Silesian Institute in Opole, Poland.
"Glossary of Silesian Dialects" is the result of many years of scientific work of several generations of linguists from the Silesian Institute in Opole, Poland.
The book is a theoretical study on the nature, typology and editing of stylistic errors – one of the most significant but insufficiently researched problems in Bulgarian linguistics. It is intended for students from the humanities, for secondary school teachers of Bulgarian, and for a wider circle of readers who are interested in the problems of the Bulgarian language. Its main purpose is to support their practical work on text formation (designing different in genre and theme speech products).
"Belarusian dialectology" is a study which provides the reader with reliable, up-to-date and research-based information about Belarusian dialects, their origin, range and diversification. The authors' aim is to show the reader the richness and diversity of Belarusian dialects, their position and role in the culture and life of contemporary people as well as current language tendencies in Belarus.
The report “The image of Vologda in a language picture of the world of students and pupils” is devoted to the consideration of stable associations with regional place names (for example, the place name "Vologda") that exist in the minds of native speakers. The authors analyze the results of a series of associative experiments conducted at the university and at school. Also in the report the issue of formation of associative fields and what place they occupy in a language picture of the world of students and pupils is considered.
The article describes the key features of the individual style of A. A. Akhmatova, in particular, considers the originality of the portrait details in lyric poetry. Portrait detail is used primarily as a means of creating an image and at the same time as the mode of transmission of the conflict, it "replaces" the plot, the author compensates for a given ambiguity. Autobiographical, confessional style of Anna Akhmatova the dominating characteristic of a selfportrait in her poetry. Using portrait detail, clothing detail that accompanies the heroine, the poet shows not only the feeling in the climax, but also how the feeling in turn is reflected in the lyrical portrait of the heroine.
Helena Krasowska's "The Polish Minority in South-Eastern Ukraine" presents the Polish cultural heritage in Zaporizhzhia and Donetsk Oblasts, including the current state of the local Polish language, its scope and functions, as well as the local determinants of Polish identity. Presentation of linguistic research is preceded by an extensive chapter on the region's history, and ethnic and national situation, with an overview of the legal status of minority organizations, focusing on the post-perestroika situation of the Polish minority. This historical and legal information helps grasp the complex subject-matter of the region's languages.
The eight volume of the series The richness of the Polish language in the light of its history is a publication that presents the achievements of the national scientific conference (Katowice, 7 November 2018). The authors of the articles collected in this volume have made various historical and linguistic issues, primarily: description of old and contemporary lexis oriented in terms of vocabulary, semantics or etymology; the problems of nominations in the history of the Polish language; conceptualisation of different concepts in both language and culture. Due to the diversity of thematic circles this book was divided into three parts (From history to modernity – continuity, change, inspirations; From word to meaning - etymology, transformations, variants; From sign to text - syntax, genres, functions), showing a wide spectrum of scientific interests of the researchers.
This handbook aims at introducing the students of French philology and French applied to economics to French and general linguistics. That's why it focuses on the main fields of linguistics: phonetics, morphology, syntax, semantics, etc., but also on topics permit to have an overview of the problems of the science of language, like the notion of sign, the classification of languages or the communication. This book proposes numerous excercices after almost each chapter, so the students have the opportunity to train with the different points which are mentioned. The handbook is written in French and gets the students familiarized with the grammatical terminology.
This Preface presents the volume The Art of Living, of Surviving, of Reviving. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Romance studies at the University of Łódź which was designed to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the reactivation of Romance studies at the University of Łódź, carried out today within the Institute of Roman Studies. At the same time, the book celebrates the 10th anniversary of the creation, within the Institute of Romanesque Studies, of the Department of Italian Philology. These anniversaries take place at the time of the Covid-19 pandemic, an unprecedented event in the global world of the 21st century, with confinement as a compulsory mode of operation for long weeks, even months.The rupture thus brought about undoubtedly led to a new perception of life and of what ił means to live. For more than one, this thick line that separates our existence before and after Covid-19 constitutes a memento inciting to wonder how to live the pandemic and during the pandemic, how to survive it and if it is possible to (re)live completely when it has corne to an end. These questions launched as the driving theme of the commemorative volume have called for a rich and varied reflection contained in 25 articles, falling within different sub-fields of linguistics.
The aim of the publication is to list the chosen Czech, Moravian and Silesian place names which reflect the names of trees, bushes and shrubs. Trees and bushes, especially solitary ones, have drawn people's attention for centuries, for which reason they have served mainly for specifying location, direction or orientation in an area. The book contains the list of some places named after woody plants. In addition, the related municipal locations are recorded in the form of public online maps for the further use of readers. All gathered data must be treated with caution, because the proper names show a specific linguistic characteristic. The author explains that the purpose of the selected proper names is not to transmit an image of the past or contemporary landscape, but she stresses that the proper names themselves can help a great deal to reveal either a past or contemporary mutual relationship between the landscape and its inhabitants.
This essay intends to demonstrate that several descriptions of the Parisian landscape in Emile Zola’s novel, Creation, interrupt the plot, the succession of events and slow down both the rhythm of the story and the rhythm of the narrative act, without wearying the reader. Some descriptive passages of the novel seem to develop for themselves, spreading as a break, as recreative moments, which delay the denouement. We will show how, from a description to another, the reader is charmed by the “descriptive pauses”, which are truly impressionistic pictures in prose, and by the highly significant descriptions, full of symbolic details and images, predicting the characters’ destiny.
Bruges, a special town, similar to Paris, equally fascinates and inspires writers coming from different literary backgrounds. However, it is Georges Rodenbach who discovered its anthropomorphous character. The wanderers have a significant role within the narrative context, their very presence being associated with a quite large number of psychological reasons: pedantry, curiosity, aesthetic pleasure and fascination.
Jubilari ynë, prof. i nderuar Zef Mirdita, i ka kontribuar me kompetencë, (duke qenë filolog i mirëfilltë; njohës i gjuhëve klasike të lashtësisë e të antikitetit të Ballkanit) kërkimeve e rezultateve meritore në fushën e studimeve të historisë e të onomastikës pararomake e romake të hapësirës së sotme të Kosovës, më shumë se cilido dijetar kosovar. Punimet e tij për dardanët si njëri ndër fise të ilirëve apo për si popull më vete i ilirizuar mbeten gurthemel i historisë dhe i onomastikës së hapësirës pararomake e romake të shtetit të dardanëve. Në kontekstin e historisë së lashtë të Dardanisë, jubilari ynë i ka kontribuar pasqyrimit të rolit të pararendësve ilirë (dardanë) të shqiptarëve në përhapjen e krishterimit roman në gjithë hapësirat e banuara nga ilirët. Jubilari ynë është dhe do të mbetet zë i fuqishëm në dëshmimin e prejard-hjes ilire të shqiptarëve dhe kundërshtar i denjë i tezave për prejardhjen trako-dake e bese të shqiptarëve.
Në veriperëndim të qytetit të Vlorës, gati 12 km larg saj, mbi një gadishull të vogël, është vendosur sot katundi Zvërnec. Gojëdhëna të ndryshme, të gërshetuara edhe me ngjarje të vërteta historike, i atribuohen jetës shumëshekullore të këtij fshati. Ndër më të moshuarit e ditëve tona ruhet ende e gjallë gojëdhëna sipas së cilës të parët banorë të fshatit kanë ardhur nga Sazani, i cili shtrihet në perëndim të fshatit në fjalë dhe nuk është më tepër se 5 km larg nga bregu i detit. Vendosja e banorëve të parë në steré, d. m. th. në fshatin Zvërnec, justifikohet me faktin që në ishull mungonte ujët e pijshëm dhe mundësia e bluarjes së drithit. Si shkak tjetër përmenden pirateritë e hapura në mes të detit. Mendoj se në këto të dhëna në formë gojëdhënash, të cilat ruhen ende fort në të moshuarit, duhet të ketë edhe njëfarë baze për ngjarjet e ndryshme historike, që janë vërtetuar nga njeri shekull te tjetri.
The collective monograph describes the investigation of specific determinants and mechanisms of disorders of verbal and non-verbal communication, voice, linguistic-cognitive and orofacial processes from the logopedic and special pedagogical point of view with transdisciplinary overlap into the linguistic, vocological, physiotherapeutic and psycholinguistic areas for use by the academic, scientific, clinical, educational, and counselling public. The book deals with 9 selected disorders and specifics of communication, including phonation and resonance, phatic functions, lexia and orofacial, neurodevelopmental and symptomatic speech disorders. It brings many original and innovative insights expanding the current state of knowledge in the sciences of human communication and speech-language therapy.
From a mysterious text from the 15th century through authorship attribution in internet communication to the analysis of prefixes in forensic linguistics. That is Thrice About Authorship – a book of three student works that combines forensic linguistics and the search for the origin and authors of texts. The first part discusses the methods used to determine the origin of the Voynich Manuscript – a mysterious text written in an unknown script. The second part seeks to say whether it is possible to distinguish the authors of comments from news servers, using methods that enumerate selected linguistic features. The third part also falls into the field of forensic linguistics – it examines the possibility of using the frequency of prefixes to differentiate text writers.
The monograph illustrates the language specific realization of plausibly universal principles of language structure. The study attempts to cover the most basic (regular) parts of English grammar as a whole consistently, within a single compatible framework, but at the same time to present empirically based arguments in favour of specific analyses. She utilizes as often as possible standard scientific argumentation leading to the most generally accepted and best supported analysis of the chosen phenomena. The study is intended for Czech academic audience and therefore it also contains several typologically relevant comparison of English and Czech structures.
The description of the system of the parts of a sentence in Russian and Czech is one of the topical question in contemporary linguistics. In contemporary grammar books, the interpretation of the parts of a sentence is focused mainly on typical phenomena. Peripheral phenomena are often mentioned marginally; similar phenomena are understood differently in various publications. Sometimes, the fluency of transitions between individual parts of a sentence is being emphasized. In our research, we are focused on description of these peripheral phenomena in the system of the parts of a sentence, which represent one of the examples of linguistic syncretism. The term syncretism is defined in the book and various approaches of linguists to phenomena that we perceive as syncretic are presented.