Trends of the International Oil and Gas Market within the Waves of Internationalization and Globalization
This paper analyses and presents the possible trends in the international oil and gas market under the waves of globalization; the study and research show the reforms and confrontation of the international energetic platform within the globalization of the International market. The road towards independent energies and economic growth to build and maintain the economy strong can be balanced differently from time to time between energy production and consumption. The necessity for such a global growth in economy and profts has led in particular most oil and gas companies to fnd new ways to dominate again the international oil and gas market by enhancing their investments to sustain their energy businesses. Furthermore, the sharp rise in energy prices poses major risks in the short term to global inflation and if it continues it may also affect the energy importing countries. The conclusions show that the sharp rise in commodity prices has turned out to be more pronounced than previously expected, moreover, the price fluctuation are fnally complicating the policy options as different countries emerge from the global recession, so adapting production strategies for the future requirements to satisfy the needs of the international market rely more on new energy insights and sustainable possibilities.