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Among the texts known to the Slavic people and ascribed to Athanasius of Alexandria there are seven that we find included in the medieval Triodion homiliaries. With the exception of one homily (i.e. Homily on the Betrayal of Jude), all of them were part of the Triodion Panegeric (Hilandar MS, Ohio, HM.SMS.404), whose origin is connected to the Patriarch Euthymius of Tarnovo and whose texts were later included in various Bulgarian, Serbian, and (sometimes) Russian miscellanea up until the XVII century. To have this many texts of Athanasius within one sbornik is quite unusual both for the Church Typica, and for the known Greek Homiliaries. It is suggested that this fact points to a unique feature of the type of Panegirics that were produced in the literary circle of scribes in Tarnovo.
The article discusses some scholia by St. Cyril of Alexandria from the Greek Catena on the Book of Prophet Isaiah in comparison with the Preslav translation according to several representatives of the two Slavonic manuscript traditions – the Middle Bulgarian (F.I. 461 from the Russian National Library in Saint Petersburg) and the Russian ones (Mss. Chudovski 182, 183 and 184 from the State Historical Museum in Moskow and Ms. 89 and Ms. 90 from the Collection of the Troitse-Sergieva Laura). The parallels between the Greek and Slavonic manuscript traditions make it possible to draw the following conclusions. The complex Slavonic tradition should be explored because the Middle Bulgarian manuscript tradition is incomplete and represents only a part of the Preslav translation, and the conclusions made on its basis are incomplete. The parallel study of the Slavonic translation with samples from the Greek Catеnae shows that it is insufficient to work only with the full text of the commentary in Patrologia Graeca, as some translation decisions in Slavonic can be explained only by the Greek source used. The study of the scholia by St. Cyril of Alexandria in Slavonic translation, as well as the study of the scholia by Theodulus and John Chrysostom, point to the possibility that the Slavonic translation represents unknown or today unpreserved abbreviated version of the Greek catena.
Object of the present research are hapax legomena in the Middle Bulgarian translation of John Chrysostom’s work Of the Seraphims. The analyzed lexemes are the smallest lexical segment in this manuscript and they are a specific parameter/indication of the Dionisii Divni’s idiosyncrasy. Hapax legomena have been compared with more than 60 Old and Middle Bulgarian texts originated in the XII – XVIII century. It examines problems associated with semantics, word formative and morphemic structure and diffusion of these lexemes in the Modern Bulgarian language.
This article attempts to shed light on the all too vague history of Rila Monastery until the end of the 14th century – both concerning its founding and based on new interpretations of some well-known sources, mainly hagiographical. Particular attention is paid to newly emerged hypotheses, which claims without argumentation that the Rila Monastery was deserted very early and was subsequently rebuilt anew during the 14th century.
The practice, connected to the transferring of relics, imported to the Bulgarian tradition from Byzantium, can be treated as a part of Bulgarian rulers’ “Empire idea”, which has changed at the beginning of 13th century. The formation of an independent pantheon of saints helps to successfully Trinova’s competition with Constantinople and striving for the Bulgarian capital to become “Third Rome”. After the conquest of Constantinople by the Latins in 1204, Bulgarian empire has claimed to be new Christian centre in the Balkans. The construction of its own pantheon of saints’ relics is a necessity for realization of the Bulgarian tsar’s imperial claims. The creation and following of this tradition led its beginning of the military actions and become a part of the ideological platform of the Bulgarian tsars.
Paroria Anachorets’ work regards everything happening in Bulgarian and Byzantine societies in the notable and troubled 14th century. Its eventful dynamics is full of councils, civil wars, Ottoman conqueror’s invasion from the East and from the West. This is the time when Bulgaria was ruled by Tzar Yоan Alexander (1331 – 1371), end Byzantine by Emperors Andronicus III (1328 – 1341) and his son Yoan (John) V Palaeologus. This century is full of conflicts and dramatic events making decisions on Byzantine, Bulgaria and Serbia Orthodox Balkan peoples’ fate. Monastery’s Laura is directly connected to Slavic and Byzantine Hesychasm’s and Hesychast monks of Kefalarevo Scriptorium’s literary works’ chronology. Scriptorium being found in 1350 by Bulgarian monk Theodosius of Tarnovo disciple of Byzantine hermit Gregory the Sinaite. Bulgaria’s Tzar Yоan Alexander was a protection of Paroria monastery. The Tzar gave them support and protected them from pillaging.
The paper analyzes the role of heritage of the Tarnovo Literary School in the preservation of historical memory of Bulgarians about their distant past of the period of the First Bulgarian Kingdom during the 15th – 16th centuries. The investigation shows that due to the heritage of the Tarnovo Literary School and connection with Slavonic Orthodox tradition the historical memory about St. Ivan of Rila and SS. Cyril and Methodius preserved.
The subject of investigation is the textological relationship between Eythymios’ “The Panegyric for St. Constantine and Helena” and a number of Greek and Slavonic medieval sources: Eusebius of Caesarea’s “Life of Constantine”, Athanasius of Alexandria’s “Orationes contra Arianos”, the Guidi-Vita of Constantine (BHG 364), the Gedeon-Vita of Constantine (BHG 363), “De inventione sanctae crucis” by Alexander the Monk, the Homily of Gregorius Presbyter “Κυριακή τῶν Αγίων πατέρων τῆς Α’ Οἰκουμενικῆς Συνόδου” and the anonymous “De donatione Constantini”. The Greek biographers used the Church chronicles of Eusebius, Sokrates, Rufinus of Aquileia and Theophanes. Тhе Eytimius’ Panegyric indicates the free use of the Greek and Slavonic sources: some events are probably transferred from an earlier Slavonic pro-Vita based on extracts from the Greek Vita BHG 363/364 and “De donatione Constantini” acc. the manuscript 793 in the library of Troice-Sergeevsk Lavra. The description of the miracles of the martyrs Chrisantios and Musonios, the dispute between Alexander of Alexandria and one unnamed philosopher as well as the narrative on Elena in Jerusalem has been found in the Greek Homily of Gregorius Presbyter. The author identifies the philosopher mentioned by Eythymius as Asterius the Sophist acc. to Athanasius’s “Orationes”. Acc. to the linguistic details Eythymius became acquainted with one kompiled pro-Vita of Constantine. The author suggests, that one pro-Vita of Preslav origin was edited at the same time as Konstantin of Preslav’s translation of Athanasius of Alexandria’s “Orationes” before the transfer of “Orationes” to Novgorod.
Drawing on the Old Bulgarian translations of Athanasius of Alexandria and Basil the Great, the author traces the use of allegorical theology in the 4th century and its reflection as Прїточное богословие during the 10th century. The linguistic comparison between the use of allegorical key-names by Athanasius of Alexandria and the process of conceptualization of ordinary names to divine predicates and theological terms by Basil the Great provides the necessary discourse for the observations on the language practice of the Preslav’s men of letters. When illustrating the process of deriving human knowledge from the literal to the figurative interpretation of a certain story from the Bible, John the Exarch and Constantine of Preslav relied on a common theological platform, also known from the original works of the two authors. The criteria for the correctness of the exegesis according to the two authors are specified.
Latin Christian literature of the first thousand years is a wide area for scientific studies. In this article a periodization of Latin Christian literature (2nd – 11th cc.) is made. A search has been carried out for the authors, firstly, who are an object of Bulgarian scientific articles and monographs; in the second place, topics of these studies have been found. A conclusion about the contemporary state of the studies on Latin Christian literature in Bulgaria has been also taken. Finally, the perspectives for the future Bulgarian studies on Latin Christian literature in Bulgaria have been drawn.
Taking an overview of the context in which we live our lives, we can easily observe that we are constantly facing the challenges of a changing world. Particularly in the case of young people, we notice prominent differences, primarily because they belong to the generation of modern technology and the virtual world. We are witnessing a rapid transition from face-to-face human interactions to the digital universe, through the use of tablets and smartphones, where time and space take on new meanings, and interpersonal relationships may not be as effective and transparent. The religious aspect justifies its importance within the spectrum of educational sciences by addressing the need for meaning in life, which in turn contributes to a sense of security and self-esteem as a protective factor for individuals. In the current context, marked by cultural and religious diversity, religious sensitivity in education prepares the younger generations to transcend their own boundaries. It becomes a gateway to understanding religious diversity and the experiences that stem from it.
Religious education is an important dimension of education that contributes to a child's development. Through religious education the child has the opportunity to know God. To facilitate the process of knowing God, the subject of religion has been introduced in schools. This subject is part of the common core curriculum and one hour a week is allocated to it. Religious education is carried out at school in every class, but in kindergarten things are different. At pre-school level, the study of the elements of religious education is carried out differently, depending on the teacher. Some teachers do not emphasise religious education at all, others do so by introducing elements of religious education into other activities. Another part of the teachers carry out extra-curricular activities for the implementation of religious education, while other teachers carry out religious education electives. Therefore, teachers' involvement in the delivery of religious education at pre-school level is carried out in different ways. The level of teacher involvement is very important for the successful delivery of religious education at pre-school level. The question that led to the research, which used a questionnaire as the main instrument, was how much teachers are involved in the religious education of pre-school children. The research found that teachers are differently involved in children's religious education and that the positive results in this respect are influenced by the way they act
I am a sportsperson, she thought, trying to express her very thoughts on a platform she had never hoped to appear on; I fight to be better, for myself, for my team, for my country, which I have represented in dozens of international tournaments. We work with team spirit, friendships, and perseverance. This is what I was trained for, day and night, strict as military drills… although I stand for peace and understanding. I want to show what we, the women, neither repressed nor privileged, can achieve when we set our minds and hearts! I wish to inspire youth to be steadfast and independent! Otherwise, what’s the point of this much sweat… and blood… and tears? It means so much that we cannot lose them! I’ll no longer pretend to simulate this passion for machines!
The report consists of 2 main parts. The first part is about the concept of „Soft Power“. A definition of what it is and what its significance is. It is underestimated by the concept of „Military Power“ because it does not have such quick and direct results. The second hour consists of a presentation of the activities of the TIKA organization in the period 2019-2021. The reports presented on the organization's website discuss how TIKA is supporting Muslim communities in the Balkans.
The region of South-Eastern and Central Europe faces a number of certain risks that are closely related to ethnic and religious factors. The historical conflicts that underlie many of these risks include territorial disputes, cultural differences and identity. These conflicts often affect regional stability and security, manifesting in violence, terrorism and human rights violations. The presence of diverse ethnic minorities in the region and intense migration flows present additional security challenges. State policy has a key role in managing these issues, striving for integration and promoting ethnic coexistence. Religious communities in the region can also influence security. Their role in interfaith dialogue and relations with state institutions can help or destabilize stability.
This study aims to identify the importance of religious-moral influences in supporting the integration of children with Special Educational Needs, promoting the provision of equal opportunities in education, in mass schools regardless of the children's learning, participation or development possibilities, but also defining a limit of integration into a mainstream school imposed by the degree of disability. The study presents the educational approach of children with special educational requirements at the level of classes in mainstream education. The therapeutic program aims at the general speech therapy approach, but also the introduction of religious-moral approaches at the level of educational activities in relation to this category of children. The research is oriented towards the identification of religious-moral influences on the integration process of children with Special Educational Requirements.
After 1990, Bulgaria entered a new era profoundly shaped by democratic and social changes. Until that point, the communist regime had suppressed religious education for nearly five decades, enforcing a system based on atheism. In this context, the reintegration of religious education encounters numerous challenges, including the pronounced secularization of society, the cultural legacy of atheism, and the absence of public consensus on the necessity of religious education. Although Bulgaria's legal framework supports religious freedom, religious education remains optional and is offered in a limited number of schools. The strained relationship between the Church and the State, coupled with the optional nature of the subject and the administrative difficulties faced by teachers of religion, adversely impacts the implementation of religious education. This article analyzes these issues and underscores the need for additional efforts to strengthen religious education, acknowledge religious identity, and integrate it into an increasingly diverse Bulgarian society.
In the literature, there are several definitions of the psychology of religion, which shows us a permanent concern about it, even an attempt to define its object of study. Thus, some of them define the psychology of religion as the science of the soul, the psychic, which studies the connection between man and God or Transcendent, with the emphasis on the relationship between man and God. This study has an exploratory purpose, to identify the significance of religious behavior in our lives. It was conducted following a seminar with a group of students of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Cluj-Napoca, within the optional course of the pedagogical module: Elements of religious psychology. The students were asked to define the concept of religious behavior, a definition accompanied by examples of behaviors practiced in everyday life, as well as to identify the role of these behaviors in everyone's life. What significance does religious behavior have for modern man? and What is the role of religious behavior in the life of modern man? The perspectives from which religious behavior was tracked were discussed in advance: Religious behavior as a way of behavior of a person, religious behavior manifested as a series of attitudes towards God, as an external manifestation of faith, religious behavior manifested as a series of attitudes related to religious worship, the Church, religious behavior as a set of ritual actions, as external manifestations of faith. Following the analysis and evaluation of the students' research, the conclusions were as follows: Religious behavior becomes the outward manifestation of inner experiences in a different kind of reality, which presupposes the relationship with the divine. The roles of religious behaviors, which derive from man's connection with God, are the development of a sense of belonging, the improvement of self-image, a good relationship with oneself, the identification of the meaning of one's own life, the development of spiritual life and, last but not least, a therapeutic role.