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At this significant moment in time ‒ the shift of two empires in which takes place the dramatic change in social and cultural paradigm and culture and civilization model, Edhem Mulabdić in his novel “Zeleno busenje“ shapes the distinctive imaginative constructions that reflect the ambivalent attitude of his narrative towards the occupation as a historic act and Austro-Hungarian colonization as a norm of the new age. At the time of the first contact with the Austro-Hungarians, narrative intentionally forms stereotypical ideas of the Bosniak community, which unconditionally accepts and adopts the cultural and historical value of the new time, and already in the next moment, on the basis of the enlightenment ideology, builds a liberating vision of the future of the nation.
The paper deals with the genesis of shaping and reshaping the Bosniak cultural identity, through all historical misfortune and changes. In novelistic cycle Zamjene and Krivice, as well as the novel CrnoTurci, Husein Bašić writes out the historical doom of Sandžak Bosniaks and beyond, in the area of Balkan demarcation and the area of new lords, after Ottoman withdrawal. Bosniaks face the consequences of imposed “Turkish guilt” - persecution, robbery, arson and murders. The confusion, fear and disorientation led to mass emigration and further even occasional mass crimes and suffering, especially during the World War II, which preceded the genocide in Bosnia at the end of the 20th century. Searching for the causes and consequences of the tragic events, the author writes individual and collective destinies in creating narrative characters, also showing the drama of identity: identity crisis, trauma identity, identity replacement and division,
Sara Sabri’s pseudonym is Sanela Karišik-Begovic, Sandzak/BH author. Books Šapućem ti kao Sara Sabri1 and Šapućem ti kao majka majci can be classified in the genre of self-help, because we can read the intent to influence the attitudes of the recipient. Therefore, Sara Sabri’s books are participants in the construction of identity of Bosniaks outside the very text. Books of Sara Sabri consist of short texts that appear to touch upon various topics. Texts can be characterized as a short meditation on the various phenomena in the society, but the most common topics are the role of women as mothers and wives and relations with a spouse. In accordance to the anti-essentialist concept of identity as a construction and to the feminist theory, in this work we critically analyze Sara Sabris’s texts in mentioned books, especially relying on the Lawrence Grossberg’s definition of text interpretiation in which the interpretation of the texts is understood as a struggle of people “not only to make out what the text means, but also to impute meaning as something that will connect with their lives, experiences, needs and preferences”.
All this is important to connect to more easily conceived of what to do in meeting the Bosniak beings, Bosnian culture, Muslim aura and the Internet. The challenge is to be sure. How to be a citizen of the world (without identity) who successfully resists his inner identity where breathing (breath, spirit Absolute Launcher makes it breath, his spirit). This would cultures, because breathing (known and secret that the greatest gift with Guarded plates First Pen that breathes) could separate the culture of civilization, such as separating the spirit of technea. Recognize that in the meeting of man and machine is no innocent. Neither is possible only with the machine, either totally without it. Neil Postman is our time called TEHNOPOL - political system, the rule of technology and information that spread as a cultural AIDS, bombarding our immune system. Bosniaks is very important point to the global reality show. In addition to mandatory information diet, but also to still stay alive. And to recognize when this show becomes a ‘dark side’. An occasional resistance that can be achieved by learning. Socializing and talking among themselves. The most dangerous are the abundance of information that is available from the context that says Postman.
This article briefly discusses the concept of color as a rhetorical term in Roman rhetorical literature. The term had several meanings: the style and character of work or speech, the stylistic device, the ornamentation or excuse and mitigating circumstance. A number of examples excerpted from Roman rhetoricians (especially from Cicero and Quintilian) and other authors which illustrate the above-mentioned meanings of this concept are quoted. Most attention, however, is devoted to the meaning of the term color in a type of declamation called controversia, in which it acquires the most technical sense: a brilliant turn in argumentation which, thanks to a skilful interpretation of facts, reduces or highlights the blame of an accused person. The term conceived in that way is usually associated with Seneca the Elder, the author of the work entitled „Oratorum et rhetorum sententiae, divisiones, colores”. Seneca not only lists examples of colores, excerpted from the other rhetorician's speeches, but also classifies and evaluates them, thus he becomes an important theoretician of the concept in question.
In all the orphic gold tablets it is emphasized that the location of the fountain is indicated by a white cypress. What is new in the tablets is not so much the cypress, as the adjective by which it is qualified, λευκή, which means „shining” or „white”. Some authors have defended the translation „shining”, but the choice between „white’’ and „shining’’ is in fact a problem of our translations, not of the Greek term, which includes both notions simultaneously. I try to explain this question in my article.
The author ruminates on conceptualization of the titular concepts in different spheres of the public space in contemporary Poland: in academic discourse (linguistic and literary), as well as artistic, political and minority discourses (of ethnic and sexual minorities). The organizing rule in this debate is the center‑periphery relationship, while the point of reference consists in a scheme of three types of influence: a) the influence of the center over the peripheries; b) the influence of the peripheries over the center; c) a symmetrical mutual influence. In her interpretation of source texts, the author focuses on outlining the consequences that come with the relationship of domination (represented by the first scheme), the emancipatory tendencies of the peripheries and attempts at pluralistic integration resulting from the third scheme. The author concludes with the statement that both those relationships as well as the meanings of the concepts of center, province, periphery or margin are always inscribed into a particular cultural context and negotiated within those bounds.
The article concerns the posthuman discourse in its intimist aspect. The conducted analysis has shown that the posthuman discourse in its private incarnation can be characterized chiefly by those characteristics and processes which confirm and implement the posthumanist postulates. The experiences of people living alongside animals contribute to the creation of an interspecies community, help build empathy and mutual understanding. Those aspects are then actualized in the fact of bestowing human qualities on animals and vice versa – the perception of non‑human entities through the lens of their emotions, personal characteristics and the willingness and ability to communicate. It should be noted, however, that the aim of these actions is not to simply and crudely anthropomorphize animals, which would once again betray the anthropocentric nature of the world, but rather to grant equal status to all creatures existing in nature. In the case of the posthumanist discourse in its intimist aspect, it is possible to observe an interdiscursive relationship which is based on simultaneous interference and domination of one of them. It should be noted that the discourse of privacy (distinguished on the basis of a subjective criterion), on the one hand remains dominant, inscribed indirectly and almost incidentally into the ideologically‑motivated posthumanist discourse, but on the other hand, it complements and co‑constitutes it at the same time.
The article descibes the derivational potency of the verbs: travel, wander, migrate as well as the noun tourist. The characteristics of their derivational nests have been confronted with the characteristics of the nests of the verbs of movement and nouns. A comparative study of the collected data has revealed derivational similarities of the discussed verbs (identical types od derivatives and derivational methods), which points to the fact that the meaning carried by the root is more important than its genesis and opens up particular derivational possibilities. A differing layout of derivatives as well as the participation of particular parts of speech and formants should be connected with stylistic characteristics and the genesis of the roots.
The article discusses the image of the miner, taking into consideration the constant and variable characteristics in a diachronic perspective. The source material is comprised of older literary texts (first half of the 20th century) as well as contemporary fiction. The theory of the language image of the world as well as the category of stereotype serve as the methodological framework. The analysis of older depictions of the miner reveals the mostly positive perception connected with, among others, the diligence of the miners, the dangerous character of their jobs, or their religiousness. Contemporary literature also points to the characteristics of their professions, the toil and the danger, which contribute to social respectability. However, there are also pejorative images to be found, including bad working conditions under the ground, the monotonous character of the job, and the detrimental influence on health. Apart from that, contemporary literature engages with contemporary issues, such as the employment of women in the mines. The article, apart from the study of old and contemporary image of the miner, constitutes an answer to the question regarding the permanence and change in the depictions of this profession.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the image of Slovakia which emerges discursively from guidebooks. The author analyzes, in order, the Polish, Slovakian and English discourses. As a result, the reader can observe three stories of Slovakia emerging – stories, which, paradoxically, can tell us more about the authors and the readers than about the place itself. The second part of the article presents the “discourse on Rome,” approached narratively. In the conclusion, the author proposes several lines of theoretical inquiry.