Solidarnost u doba krize: rimski kardinal „zaštitnik” i Dubrovačka Republika tijekom velikih izazova 17. stoljeća
The institution of the cardinal “protector” represented a link between the various subjects (nations, cities, ecclesiastical orders, etc.) and the Roman Curia, wherein that high-ranking cleric supported the interests of the citizens he represented as his “clients”. Since the Middle Ages, Dubrovnik had been developing intimate relationships with Rome, which were not only ecclesiastical. The geostrategic position of Dubrovnik was of great importance to the Roman Curia, especially due to the opportunities that Dubrovnik could provide to Rome within broader geopolitical interests. Such a geographic position required the constant caution of the Dubrovnik government, always focused on the Holy See, upon whose protection within western international politics the Dubrovnik Republic could always rely. The seventeenth century was a period of intensive struggle for the preservation of the political and economic integrity of Dubrovnik. Seicento represented a very difficult period of foreign pressures for Papal Rome, so it was even harder for the Dubrovnik Senate to attract the attention of the Curia. Along with the traditional diplomatic perseverance of the Republic, the extraordinary engagement of Dubrovnik’s patron, Cardinal Francesco Barberini, contributed to the maintenance of the centuries-old sensibility of the Holy See towards the needs of the Republic of St. Blaise. This fact seems to be even more significant since it refers to a particularly dramatic period of the Canadian War and the period after the Great Earthquake of 1667. Due to the all the temptations that confronted the Holy See within international politics in the same period, it would be difficult to expect that Rome could be focused on Dubrovnik’s requests. But, thanks to the engagement of Cardinal Barberini, among others, the final outcome proved to be contrary to such an expectation.