Съвременната инфлация и новата концепция за икономическа сигурност
The report examines the specifics of modern inflation in the context of the paradigm shift for economic growth. The characteristics of modern inflation after the pandemic crisis and its factor conditioning in the conditions of revival of economic activity, increased aggregate demand and increase in international commodity market prices in connection with market segmentation and difficulties in global value chains are formulated. The analysis reveals the essence and characteristics of modern inflation as a multifactorial phenomenon that determines the choice of policies and the difficulties in achieving synergy between them. The typology of the types of inflation is substantiated, and their specifics are considered sequentially. There is a focus on green inflation and wage gap inflation, the rise of which is debated as to the effect on inflation. Conclusions are systematized about the relationship between modern inflation and economic security as a factor determining the sustainability of inflation, and problems and perspectives in the European context are outlined.